Anyone culture MRSA



My daughter recently cultured MRSA. She had been sick more on than off for a few months. They have given her Septr-D for 3 weeks in hopes of making her feel better. They said she might not get rid of it. Anyone with this experience? Would you share the treatment and results?


My daughter recently cultured MRSA. She had been sick more on than off for a few months. They have given her Septr-D for 3 weeks in hopes of making her feel better. They said she might not get rid of it. Anyone with this experience? Would you share the treatment and results?


New member
Lots of CFers culture MRSA and it is difficult to get rid of. Sometimes you think you get rid of something, but it just doesn't happen to show on that particular culture (throat swab v. sputum induction). They usually like 5 consecutive cultures that are MRSA free to declare you rid of it.

I've cultured it in my sinuses. It took 3 surgeries and 2 months of IV antibiotics to get 5 consecutive clean cultures.


New member
Lots of CFers culture MRSA and it is difficult to get rid of. Sometimes you think you get rid of something, but it just doesn't happen to show on that particular culture (throat swab v. sputum induction). They usually like 5 consecutive cultures that are MRSA free to declare you rid of it.

I've cultured it in my sinuses. It took 3 surgeries and 2 months of IV antibiotics to get 5 consecutive clean cultures.


New member
<P>My daughter had cultured MRSA a few years ago. I know they did treat her with 2 different antibiotics but I can not remember which ones. She was able to get rid of it. She does not culture it anymore.</P>
<P>Vicki (mom of 2 w cf 14 and 18)</P>


New member
<P>My daughter had cultured MRSA a few years ago. I know they did treat her with 2 different antibiotics but I can not remember which ones. She was able to get rid of it. She does not culture it anymore.</P>
<P>Vicki (mom of 2 w cf 14 and 18)</P>
My son (12 yrs) has cultured MRSA for at least 5 years now. We were told that most cf centers don't treat mrsa and that it doesn't cause complications in most patients, etc etc. Didn't know enough at the time that we should've been treating it aggressively. Now when my son has flare-ups (which it DOES cause complications) he goes on either bactrum or linezolid (oral antibiotics) or the generic versions. Usually this gets him back to his baseline health, but when it doesn't we need to go into the hospital for a 2 week tune-up of iv vancomycin.

I would suggest getting another sputum culture a week or so after the end of the current antibiotics. If it's still there, ask about the levels of the mrsa in the original culture vs the new one. See if things have improved. Talk about options to be very aggressive and hope to get it out of there.

It may well become colonized and then you deal with it when it begins causing issues for your child. Hang in there and ask LOTS of questions. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
My son (12 yrs) has cultured MRSA for at least 5 years now. We were told that most cf centers don't treat mrsa and that it doesn't cause complications in most patients, etc etc. Didn't know enough at the time that we should've been treating it aggressively. Now when my son has flare-ups (which it DOES cause complications) he goes on either bactrum or linezolid (oral antibiotics) or the generic versions. Usually this gets him back to his baseline health, but when it doesn't we need to go into the hospital for a 2 week tune-up of iv vancomycin.

I would suggest getting another sputum culture a week or so after the end of the current antibiotics. If it's still there, ask about the levels of the mrsa in the original culture vs the new one. See if things have improved. Talk about options to be very aggressive and hope to get it out of there.

It may well become colonized and then you deal with it when it begins causing issues for your child. Hang in there and ask LOTS of questions. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hi my name is candi iv cultured mrsa 2 yrs ago iv been much sicker but its in my lungs when i go in the hospital they use doxy iv with colitin but w bad kidney issue have tobe modered closely.........candi 33yd ohio


New member
hi my name is candi iv cultured mrsa 2 yrs ago iv been much sicker but its in my lungs when i go in the hospital they use doxy iv with colitin but w bad kidney issue have tobe modered closely.........candi 33yd ohio


New member
hi my name is candi iv cultured mrsa 2 yrs ago iv been much sicker but its in my lungs when i go in the hospital they use doxy iv with colitin but w bad kidney issue have tobe modered closely.........candi 33yd ohio


New member
hi my name is candi iv cultured mrsa 2 yrs ago iv been much sicker but its in my lungs when i go in the hospital they use doxy iv with colitin but w bad kidney issue have tobe modered closely.........candi 33yd ohio


Both of my girls culture MRSA. Actually my older one was culturing it when she was dx wit CF at 14 months of age. My younger daughter started culturing it at three months of age. They are now 13 and 12. When they start feeling poorly, they are almost always started on Bactrim for the MRSA. My older daughter has also taken oral Zyvox for the MRSA.

Older daughter has been hospitalized five times, and every time treated with three antibiotics, one always been Vancomycin for the MRSA, although last time she was on IV Zyvox instead. Younger daughter has NEVER been hospitalized due to lung issues. Only one time to clear up her sinuses prior to sinus surgery, and she was on IV Zyvox (she has a true Vanc allergy, not just Redmans...) for the MRSA.

Older daughters FEV1 is still in the 80s+, younger daughter is 100%+. Older daughter also cultures PA, Burkholderia Multivorans and has ABPA. She has moderate lung damage, but not sure what bacteria is causing more of the problems...


Both of my girls culture MRSA. Actually my older one was culturing it when she was dx wit CF at 14 months of age. My younger daughter started culturing it at three months of age. They are now 13 and 12. When they start feeling poorly, they are almost always started on Bactrim for the MRSA. My older daughter has also taken oral Zyvox for the MRSA.

Older daughter has been hospitalized five times, and every time treated with three antibiotics, one always been Vancomycin for the MRSA, although last time she was on IV Zyvox instead. Younger daughter has NEVER been hospitalized due to lung issues. Only one time to clear up her sinuses prior to sinus surgery, and she was on IV Zyvox (she has a true Vanc allergy, not just Redmans...) for the MRSA.

Older daughters FEV1 is still in the 80s+, younger daughter is 100%+. Older daughter also cultures PA, Burkholderia Multivorans and has ABPA. She has moderate lung damage, but not sure what bacteria is causing more of the problems...


New member
Yup. MRSA has increased my exacerbations big time. I am still trying to figure out how to control them. My docs want me on inhaled tobi or cayston for PA, but I am convinced that when I start these it sets off my MRSA. If I try to do oral Zyvox it helps for about 4-6 weeks and then I seem to end up on IV's for both MRSA and Pseudo. I went to get a second opinion on this at a major cf center and they said that treating MRSA prophylactically with Bactrim has not been proven to be effective. They still recommend inhaled antibitotics, ie Tobi, Cayston for PA for me. So really no help at all. :)


New member
Yup. MRSA has increased my exacerbations big time. I am still trying to figure out how to control them. My docs want me on inhaled tobi or cayston for PA, but I am convinced that when I start these it sets off my MRSA. If I try to do oral Zyvox it helps for about 4-6 weeks and then I seem to end up on IV's for both MRSA and Pseudo. I went to get a second opinion on this at a major cf center and they said that treating MRSA prophylactically with Bactrim has not been proven to be effective. They still recommend inhaled antibitotics, ie Tobi, Cayston for PA for me. So really no help at all. :)


New member
I have cultured MRSA since I was diagnosed which was when I was 7. I haven't been able to get rid of it since. I'm put on bactrim quite a bit and I think I'm nearing resistance already. I'm 14. It honestly is probably the reason why I am in and out of the hospital. I have heard though that MRSA is almost "territorial" so that it doesn't want other infections such as Pseudomonas infect but you know, with our luck we will be infected anyway. Lol. Good luck!!


New member
I have cultured MRSA since I was diagnosed which was when I was 7. I haven't been able to get rid of it since. I'm put on bactrim quite a bit and I think I'm nearing resistance already. I'm 14. It honestly is probably the reason why I am in and out of the hospital. I have heard though that MRSA is almost "territorial" so that it doesn't want other infections such as Pseudomonas infect but you know, with our luck we will be infected anyway. Lol. Good luck!!