Anyone culture MRSA


Super Moderator
This is LittleLab4cf and my first writing. I was genetically diagnosed in 2000. Not in my profile but I have s123r, m470 polymorphism and the newly characterized t7t7 varient. I am amongt other phd in genetics. I was able to discuss my genetic testing in detail with the geneticist who interpreted my results. FYI although improvements in testing is more definitve 11years on, if you have questions or doubts, contact the lab and demand clarification. For all that I am woefully ignorant about MRSA. Who better to ask than those who know too well? Please help educate me. Yes I am way too old at 61 to be alive with CF. Maybe it can let others wracked with this cruel pernicious disease a relatvely long, productive and excitingly fun life is possible. At a cost.


Super Moderator
This is LittleLab4cf and my first writing. I was genetically diagnosed in 2000. Not in my profile but I have s123r, m470 polymorphism and the newly characterized t7t7 varient. I am amongt other phd in genetics. I was able to discuss my genetic testing in detail with the geneticist who interpreted my results. FYI although improvements in testing is more definitve 11years on, if you have questions or doubts, contact the lab and demand clarification. For all that I am woefully ignorant about MRSA. Who better to ask than those who know too well? Please help educate me. Yes I am way too old at 61 to be alive with CF. Maybe it can let others wracked with this cruel pernicious disease a relatvely long, productive and excitingly fun life is possible. At a cost.


New member
I have been on treatment for MRSA over a dozen times in the past 18 months. One thing to try is Nasal Antibiotics, since MRSA lives in the nose.


New member
I have been on treatment for MRSA over a dozen times in the past 18 months. One thing to try is Nasal Antibiotics, since MRSA lives in the nose.


I love seeing you on here. It takes great courage to battle CF and all the typical teenage things. You couldn't pay me to go back to your age. My daughter tested positive for MRSA after the 1st round of antibiotics and now we are waiting on the test after the second. I have heard that staph can protest against PA. I just think that MRSA is more problematic than staph and just don't want to stop trying. One day at the time. You stay strong.


I love seeing you on here. It takes great courage to battle CF and all the typical teenage things. You couldn't pay me to go back to your age. My daughter tested positive for MRSA after the 1st round of antibiotics and now we are waiting on the test after the second. I have heard that staph can protest against PA. I just think that MRSA is more problematic than staph and just don't want to stop trying. One day at the time. You stay strong.


After 6 weeks of oral antibiotics my daughter tested negative for MRSA. The doc wants to check again in 2 weeks. I know this may not be the end of it, but I am encouraged it backed off so easily! One day at a time...


After 6 weeks of oral antibiotics my daughter tested negative for MRSA. The doc wants to check again in 2 weeks. I know this may not be the end of it, but I am encouraged it backed off so easily! One day at a time...