Anyone do protein shakes?


New member

OK, so DH and I are started a serious weight lifting program... well, not REALLY a "serious" program, as I"m still using 10 lb. dumbells, but its a lot for ME. lol

Anyway, I'm curious if anyone on here has ever done protein shakes/smoothies that you make from those big jars of protein powder? If so, did you get any results? What did your CF team think of adding the protein?

I ask cause I have CFRD and I did ask my center... they said that I would have to have a protein shake with some fat in it if I were going to put anything with sugar in it (to balance it all out). So, I've been doing fresh and frozen fruit with a scoop of powder, some ice cream, and grape juice. Its pretty good, actually, and I like that I may be helping increase my muscle mass.

I'm just curious what experiences anyone else has had with such shakes? And, does anyone do "IsoPure"? That is the stuff I'm taking. 0 carbs and lots of protein, but like $50 a jar! yikes! My DH has been buying it for a long time, so I just thought I'd give it a try.

Thanks for any info. anyone can give.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm curious as to what powder you use Sonia? I've been curious about protein powders myself, but am unsure as to what would give me the most benefit of weight gain, etc.


New member
I use the "Isopure".... you can get it at GNC... my DH swears by it cause its 0 carbs and he's known a couple guys in the military that use it that really like their results.

Here's a link to the stuff I use:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">ISOPURE</a>


New member
i take protein. i just dont get enough from the food i eat. i havent got any results because i dont do weights [yet]. for now, i just do it to stop my muscles wasting away even more. i use a brand called musashi, i think its australian. but any whey protein isolate that has been micro filtered that mixes well is fine by me.


New member
I don't know much about the protein shakes myself, but my mom's made them with a scoop of weigh powder and bananas w/yogurt (or ice cream, I don't rememver). She likes them a lot. I however have gotten into the many protein bars they have. So far Balance bars are the best. They have a good amount of carbs and about 10-15g of protein in them-the peanut butter chocolate are my personal fave.



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I have scandishakes, strawberry flavour. They are quite nice and used to have about 3 per day but got sick of them so try to have 1 a day now, i think there is 600cals in it and it can be made up with 1/2 pint of milk <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
hey sonia,

not sure if this is the same thing as what you are talking about, but i sometimes make soy shakes in the mornings. (soy has a lot of protein.) i don't do it to gain weight, but instead use it as a healthy alternative to a high-carb breakfast. i use the powder, skim milk, sometimes a little juice, and frozen or fresh berries or bananas. it's good. hard for some people to get used to the taste, but i like it.



New member

Have you seen any increase in muscle mass because of your soy shakes? I know you're pretty active in the gym, so you're probably in the same sort of activity plan. Just wondering if you've noticed it helps your muscles and how long it takes to see results?


New member
I have used Isopure many times, and many other protien pwders too, I really have no clue about the CFRD thing but sounds like you need a fairly balanced mixture from what you wrote, maybe have a look at something like N-Large 2 if I'm remembering right that one has some fat and sugar in it and you'll get more calories from it. Also there's a couple types of Isopure out there, unfortunately for us the majority of people in the world want to lose weight so alot of places get stuff with no carbs and less fat, the regular Isopure has fat and carbs so maybe look for the one thats not labeled 'zero carb' and the good thing that I like about Isopure and the N-Large2 is that they mix easily in a shaker no blender needed and they're not thick and chalky, so they're perfect for when I'm on the go at work to pack on the extra protein and calories.
I lift weights heavily 4 to 5 times a week. I take other suppliments as well to help me cope with it (soreness, fatigue, helping my body to not go into catabolic state) so I may be able to recommend some things that I take, but obviously you should do what you are doing and ask you doctor if its ok to take whatever first (tho I dont always do that, I'm a bad boy when it comes to that). Anyway keep it up and remember no pain no gain, you will get sore(if you are working out hard enough <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ) But dont get discouraged by the soreness stick with it and go even if you are sore and it'll ease off after about 2-3 weeks of doing it depending on how hard you are training, and that's the key if you get sore and stop then wait for it to go away and go back you'll only keep getting sore again all over. And remember muscle is the key to looking 'toned' as all you women want to look, if you lose all fat and dont replace it with muscle you'll only look skinny and squishy like before. And what I always keep in my mind to make me push harder (but remember I'm bodybuilding so you dont have to go as hard as I do) when you get sore is when you know that you've torn muscle fibers and are triggering your body to rebuild more muscle to cope with the weightlifing stress, so if I aint sore I didn't work hard enough).

Another thing I just remembered that I've noticed (and I'm only telling you this so you can know and look out for it if it happens and let me know, maybe it's just me that's weird) but when I stop for a while and start back I sometimes will feel really tired and worn out and almost like I'm coming down with the flu or something but I stick to it anyway and within that first week or 2 of getting through the soreness stage and back into the swing of things I get back the energy and feel better than before I started. Someone told me that can happen because it suddenly pushes your immune system into high gear and your body fights off stuff that may have been kind of dormant so to speek, dunno how true that is but anyways have fun and let me know how it goes or if I can help in anyway.


New member
My husband drinks protein shakes, like the chocolate and cookies 'n' cream one, he gets the choc. one from Costco, he puts a banana in and a scoop of peanut butter, its not bad.


New member
yeh, I'm traing out hell! It's on 3rd June, but luckily I'm already ripped so other people that have to worry about that problem, I don't, gives me a little advantage. I may need to lose 2% body fat and dehydrate myself for the show, thats what I'm a little concerned about, I can see it already, me walking around for three days prior with a box of glucose and a teaspoon to give me energy! lol No actually dont think I'll have to lean out too much more than what I am so it should be ok


New member

i really haven't noticed. i mean, over the last few years, my muscles have definitly gotten bigger, but it seems to have been gradual with my activity. i have done the soy shakes off and on for a while but not consistantly enough to be able to see the possible benefits you are talking about.

women's bodies are so different than mens. even during the times when i was doing resistance training i was frustrated that i was getting stronger but not able to tell by looking.

anyway, good luck. it is an interesting experiment to see if this helps you. if it does then i may try doing the shakes more regularly?
