Anyone done a tune up at UCSF?


New member
Anyone had experience being admitted at UCSF? We are about to embark on our first hospital stay and would love to hear any first hand advice, especially if you've been to UCSF. Can one leave to go outside and get some fresh air for example? Can a parent spend the night? I know we'll get briefed by the hospital, but am trying to prepare ahead of time to the extent possible.  Thanks so much.


New member
Anyone had experience being admitted at UCSF? We are about to embark on our first hospital stay and would love to hear any first hand advice, especially if you've been to UCSF. Can one leave to go outside and get some fresh air for example? Can a parent spend the night? I know we'll get briefed by the hospital, but am trying to prepare ahead of time to the extent possible. Thanks so much.


New member
Anyone had experience being admitted at UCSF? We are about to embark on our first hospital stay and would love to hear any first hand advice, especially if you've been to UCSF. Can one leave to go outside and get some fresh air for example? Can a parent spend the night? I know we'll get briefed by the hospital, but am trying to prepare ahead of time to the extent possible. Thanks so much.


New member
<br>We currently go to UCSF.  We have not stayed there longer than 3 days at a time. Check-in can take a while.  Yes, you can go down to the cafeteria, or out to the street.  There are usually nurses to keep an eye on your child. When our daughter was little (she's 6 now) we would take turns (we were at Kaiser) so as to not leave her alone. Maybe once or twice if she was sleeping or doing her treatments I might leave for a quick break if my husband was gone. A good time to sneak out can be when they are doing treatments. I know that 1 parent can sleep in the room; not sure if both can. There is a 'family room' on the floor, with a fridge and chair "beds" to sleep on. I sanitize everything- wipe down the phone, remote control, movie cases, window sill, any of the places kids would touch. I don't trust the hospital's sanitizing. (same when we were at Kaiser) You have to watch out for handwashing and masks.  Many nurses/respitory techs may not use masks etc... Otherwise, they are pretty good. No hospital stay is ever perfect, and the most important thing is to pay attention to what they do, double check everything and never ASSUME that everyone is doing their job perfectly. At Kaiser we noticed towards the end of our 2 week stay that the plastic bag they were using to hold the nebs had the name tag of the previous patient on it! Good Luck!!!-Willow


New member
<br>We currentlygo toUCSF. We have not stayed there longer than3 days at a time. Check-in can take a while. Yes, you can go down to the cafeteria, or out to the street. There are usually nurses to keep an eye on your child. When our daughter was little (she's 6 now) we would take turns (we were at Kaiser) so as tonot leave her alone. Maybe once or twice if she was sleeping or doing her treatments I might leave for a quick break if my husband was gone.A good time to sneak outcan be when they are doing treatments. I know that1 parent can sleep in the room; not sure if both can. There is a 'family room' on the floor, with a fridge and chair "beds" to sleep on. I sanitize everything- wipe down the phone, remote control, movie cases, window sill, any of theplaces kids would touch. I don't trust the hospital's sanitizing. (same when we were at Kaiser)You have to watch out for handwashing and masks. Many nurses/respitory techs may not use masks etc... Otherwise, they are pretty good. No hospital stay is ever perfect, and the most important thing is to pay attention to what they do, double check everythingand never ASSUMEthat everyone is doing their job perfectly. At Kaiser we noticedtowards the endof our 2 week stay that the plasticbag they were using to hold the nebshad thename tag of the previous patient on it!Good Luck!!!-Willow


New member
<p><br>We currentlygo toUCSF. We have not stayed there longer than3 days at a time. <p>Check-in can take a while. <p>Yes, you can go down to the cafeteria, or out to the street. There are usually nurses to keep an eye on your child. When our daughter was little (she's 6 now) we would take turns (we were at Kaiser) so as tonot leave her alone. Maybe once or twice if she was sleeping or doing her treatments I might leave for a quick break if my husband was gone.A good time to sneak outcan be when they are doing treatments. <p>I know that1 parent can sleep in the room; not sure if both can. There is a 'family room' on the floor, with a fridge and chair "beds" to sleep on. <p>I sanitize everything- wipe down the phone, remote control, movie cases, window sill, any of theplaces kids would touch. I don't trust the hospital's sanitizing. (same when we were at Kaiser)You have to watch out for handwashing and masks. Many nurses/respitory techs may not use masks etc... <p>Otherwise, they are pretty good. No hospital stay is ever perfect, and the most important thing is to pay attention to what they do, double check everythingand never ASSUMEthat everyone is doing their job perfectly. <p>At Kaiser we noticedtowards the endof our 2 week stay that the plasticbag they were using to hold the nebshad thename tag of the previous patient on it!<p><p>Good Luck!!!<p>-Willow