Anyone else HATE dealing with insurance?


New member
If you take Zenpep you can get FREE Boost delivered right to your door! You would simply sign up at You can also get your co-pays reimbursed through them. They do occasionally run out of Boost Plus in Chocolate (which is my son's favorite), but they have several other options to choose from. Right now my son is getting Clif's Z-Bars. OH, they also send free Vitamin D & AquaADEK vitamins. It's a really great program, and is not dependent on income!

Hey Jason,

I know how you feel. My insurance just canceled my boost. Sigh. For situations like this I always try to stock up. I just exaggerate how much I'm taking. I tell my doc: I'm doing albuterol 4x/day, not 3. I need 8 caps a meal, 5 meals a day. Stuff like that. I try to have 2-3 months supply to last me when this kind of bs happens.

Contact me at if you need an extra bottle or 2 of zenpep.