Anyone ever experience tingling and double vision?


New member
This has happened three times now.

The first time I was taking a nap, woke up, started coughing. I felt a rushing sensation over my body and the right side of my body started to tingle and I could not move my right leg. I also started to cough up blood.

The second time I was sitting in a chair and I felt the rushing feeling again, started to feel tingling in half my body, and coughed up blood again. This time I could move my legs and arms. So it was less severe.

The third time I was in the kitchen ready to make a sandwich and the tingling happened while standing. I had to sit down in a chair and wait it out. My vision is also affected, I see double. Didn't cough up blood this time.

I have gone to several doctors to find out what happened to me. I even went to the hospital the first time. No one has any answers for me. I've had an MRI, bubble echo study, nerve conductance test, and lots of blood work. I can only attribute it to CF, maybe. I have started to take new supplements like Vitamin B complex since I read it helps with nerves. Also started chlorella, calcium, magnesium, and NAC.

I had ready a study about CF and myelin sheath so I'm thinking that could be it. I feel lost at this point.


New member
I remember taking streptomycin before going to sleep once, and I suddenly woke up, my arms and hands were totally numb and face, my heart was beating fast, and ' a rush' type feeling came over me -like you, my walking was loopy and drunk and I felt strange, it eventually passed but very-very unpleasant, I thought I was never going get out of it, horrible. It didn't effect my vision though.

Do you have any kind of diabetes? Fasting? After meal spikes? Any interment type diabetes? Some CFers make insulin fine in their pancreas, but they are prone to 'silent' HIGH spikes after meals, especially with the vision thing.

Are you on any kind of antibiotics via IV? Especially aminoglycosides,- like I was- stuff like Tobermycin, gentimycin, anything with 'cin' in it and Linezolid -"Zyvox" can affect your nerves and how they conduct if you have taken them recently or on them for a long period of time.

Sounds to be like your getting a side effect of something, or something that has cause some nerve damage, I would really talk to your CF doctor, and look at the meds your taking and do some of your OWN research.

Its good your taking some vitamins, especially watch the B-12 and Nicin that protects your nerves.


New member
I remember taking streptomycin before going to sleep once, and I suddenly woke up, my arms and hands were totally numb and face, my heart was beating fast, and ' a rush' type feeling came over me -like you, my walking was loopy and drunk and I felt strange, it eventually passed but very-very unpleasant, I thought I was never going get out of it, horrible. It didn't effect my vision though.

Do you have any kind of diabetes? Fasting? After meal spikes? Any interment type diabetes? Some CFers make insulin fine in their pancreas, but they are prone to 'silent' HIGH spikes after meals, especially with the vision thing.

Are you on any kind of antibiotics via IV? Especially aminoglycosides,- like I was- stuff like Tobermycin, gentimycin, anything with 'cin' in it and Linezolid -"Zyvox" can affect your nerves and how they conduct if you have taken them recently or on them for a long period of time.

Sounds to be like your getting a side effect of something, or something that has cause some nerve damage, I would really talk to your CF doctor, and look at the meds your taking and do some of your OWN research.

Its good your taking some vitamins, especially watch the B-12 and Nicin that protects your nerves.

I am diabetic but my sugars were fine every time.

I've been on azithromycin for as long as I can remember, not IV though.

My CF doctors have no clue. They keep telling me to see my GP and don't seem to have any ideas what it is. They were the ones who ordered the tests. Said they have never seen this happen before.

What do you mean watch the B-12? Like overdose?

My research seems to indicate I have MS, but no one else seems to think I do since these problems were temporary, lasting <10 minutes.


New member
From your profile, do you go to Hopkins? Did you do a albuterol treatment before these attacks? I once got so dizzy from albuterol, and my heart beating fast I though I was dying, maybe some kind of reaction?

Yea with B-12/ Niacin, watch out out for flush if you take too much, its not dangerous, but its annoying and can panic you, with rapid heartbeat.

Azithromycin most likly won't do that, it can make you nervous, and ringing in your ears, but thats generally it.

I took Gentimicin through IV a few years ago, and I know it damaged the nerves in my left hand, on a blue moon it flares and goes slight tingly, and burns hot, I haven't mention that to my drs, because they will immediately blame diabetes, when in fact I know it what the drug.


New member
From your profile, do you go to Hopkins? Did you do a albuterol treatment before these attacks? I once got so dizzy from albuterol, and my heart beating fast I though I was dying, maybe some kind of reaction?

Yea with B-12/ Niacin, watch out out for flush if you take too much, its not dangerous, but its annoying and can panic you, with rapid heartbeat.

Azithromycin most likly won't do that, it can make you nervous, and ringing in your ears, but thats generally it.

I took Gentimicin through IV a few years ago, and I know it damaged the nerves in my left hand, on a blue moon it flares and goes slight tingly, and burns hot, I haven't mention that to my drs, because they will immediately blame diabetes, when in fact I know it what the drug.

Yes, Hopkins. No albuterol. I've had ringing in my ear for almost 2 years since I took ibuprofen with IV Tobi. Sucks since I want the podhaler.