anyone ever on prednisone


New member
has anyone ever been on prednisone cause i was and it was horrible and the docters want me to go on it again!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi my name is Brittany and I have cf im 12 1/2
and yes i have taken prednisone yea it is horrible my hair started falling out and I was always hungry
but it deos work sometimes.
do u live in New York?
If so do u have Dr.Germana?

write back


New member
yes i live in ny but no i dont have that docter i have docter kier and kanu the prednisone made me realy hevy i was like 75 pounds and i went to 119 pounds i hated it so much my muscels hurt and i was getting cramps all over. i was on it for 2 years. just wonderinf how much do u weigh. do u have a aim screen name. mine is oddfreak7


New member
hey, don't worry about the prednisone....all though there are bad parts to it, it helps so much! the 2 main things that happen with me are weight gain, and acne. be carful if you have bad acne already (like me) that you watch your face b/c it could get alot worse. if it does, tell your doctor, and he'll prbably take you off of it. luckily thats only a sideaffect i guess if your taking it for a long time...i was on it for a month. i hope this helps! don't worry about it though, just stay positive and get through it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


*sorry guys, forgot to sign in...* :p

16 w/CF


New member
Ugh! I was on prednisone two years ago. My nails peeled (JUST stopped!), my hair thinned, I got "chipmunk cheeks" and poofy, and really bad zits! Ugh! I really don't like prednisone.

<img src="i/expressions/sad_eyes.gif" border="0">



New member
ive been on prednizone so many times
i hate it so much
it makes you hungry and have mood swings and makes you FAT! also it plumps up your face so its all round looking and big and it lowers your ability to fight infections and it gives me night sweats and insomnia...

what a horrible pill.



New member
Hey, Rokiss, just wanted to let you know that I FINALLY answered your message. Did you get it? I hadn't signed in for a few weeks, and when I did, I see you letter from Nov, and I am so sorry that I didn't write back sooner!


PS: sure I'll be your pen pal, if the offer still stands


New member
Hey, Rokiss, just wanted to let you know that I FINALLY answered your message. Did you get it? I hadn't signed in for a few weeks, and when I did, I see you letter from Nov, and I am so sorry that I didn't write back sooner!


PS: sure I'll be your pen pal, if the offer still stands


New member
hey im sally the site wouldn't let me log in but anyway im on steriods right now. i'v been on them before on a high dose for six months and i went the size of a balloon and i hope that it doesn't happen again. does anyone else find its hard to feel confident going out to school and even out with friends when they dont understand x


New member
hey im sally the site wouldn't let me log in but anyway im on steriods right now. i'v been on them before on a high dose for six months and i went the size of a balloon and i hope that it doesn't happen again. does anyone else find its hard to feel confident going out to school and even out with friends when they dont understand x


New member
119lbs, how tall are you, that doesn't seem all that heavy to me, are you a girl? I'm just asking because your weight is even more important durring these years if you are. If you don't weigh enough it's possible you won't get your period and develop the way you possibly could. Which wouldn't necessarily be the end of the world but my dr.'s were always saying things like you'll be healthier if you weigh more. blah blah blah, they should have said you'll have a hot body when your a teen if you put a little weight on now. Dumb Dr.'s know nothing about motivation. I've been on prednisone before too and it can suck but usually my Dr. was able to work with me to get my dose to a level I could handle and my face always..deflated <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> as soon i was off of it. Just some thoughts.

26 wCF
(aka littledebbie forgot to login)


New member
119lbs, how tall are you, that doesn't seem all that heavy to me, are you a girl? I'm just asking because your weight is even more important durring these years if you are. If you don't weigh enough it's possible you won't get your period and develop the way you possibly could. Which wouldn't necessarily be the end of the world but my dr.'s were always saying things like you'll be healthier if you weigh more. blah blah blah, they should have said you'll have a hot body when your a teen if you put a little weight on now. Dumb Dr.'s know nothing about motivation. I've been on prednisone before too and it can suck but usually my Dr. was able to work with me to get my dose to a level I could handle and my face always..deflated <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> as soon i was off of it. Just some thoughts.

26 wCF
(aka littledebbie forgot to login)