Anyone get headaches and pressure in you head when you cough?


New member
It could be a lot of things. My first impression is migraines or cluster headaches. Which can be caused by a couple things. Your nerves can be firing too much, or you could be getting too much blood flow to your head, which means increased pressure. Its worse when you cough because coughing increases the pressure in your head. For me personally, I get them at the top of my head and behind my eyes. I've had chronic headaches for years. It got to the point that I was taking so much over the counter pain meds that my doc was worried about my stomach and kidneys. I started amytiptiline (also for depression) and calcium (which I already took), fever few, and magnesium. All of which are great for headaches. It took a while but I am doing much better, and I only take tylenol a couple times a week.