Anyone gonna have a PIC line soon??


New member
hey everybody!! my name is casey and im 15 years old. i will be going in the hospital monday october 10th for my 4th PIC line. i was just wandering if anyone is gonna have one anytime soon or already does. well reply back, e-mail me or IM me!! i would love to hear from you!

Casey <3


AIM: sunkissedgal508


New member
HI, my name is Katie and I'm a 14 yr old CFer. I'm not getting a pic line anytime soon (I HOPE!!!) but I did have one a few months ago. If you wanted to write to me when you went in, that would be cool.
My address is in my profile.
(email address)

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Katie


New member
hey my name is elisabeth silvestre
ihave had so several pic lines and it got so bad that i got a portacath so be grateful tha 1 - this is only your 4th and 2- that you don't have to have a port. yet.