PepperKitty: Wow, sorry to hear you've had so many complications from the surgery. I did come across an article on the web that said that 5-10% of the obliterations don't work out and develop the mucocele problems. This article seems to imply that there are corrective measures that surgeons can take to get rid of the problem, however. Is this article wrong? Have they tried any surgical corrective measures with you? How many of these types of surgeries had your ENT previously done? I'm curious as to whether it's the level of skill on the part of the ENT that is the big player here, or if it's the state of our health to begin with (and also affects us after the surgery).
I'm wondering if any of you here on this forum, who are prone to recurrent sinus and/or lung infections, have been tested for Primary Immune Deficiency?? My immunologist, who is a big time researcher in PID, seems to think there may be a genetic link between CF and PID, hence my being tested for CF. Pepperkitty, the infection you keep getting in your sinuses MAY BE (I'm no doctor here) due to the fact that again, I'm saying, maybe, you have PID also. It's simple to get tested for it. If you're interested in more information about the testing, reply here and I'll elaborate. If not, that's okay too. Just don't want to ramble on and bore you folks about the finer details of being tested for PID if you, or no one else is really interested.