I've been on IV antibiotics for almost 3 weeks now. I feel 100% better. I had pneumonia. On my Right lower lobe the xray showed white, it has mucous down there. I can't seem to get it up. I have a hard time bringing mucous up as my body's not really producing any due to the antibiotics. My numbers are above where they were before I went in the hosp, and I am the same as I was in 2000 when I was doing well also. My airation on my R lower is decreased. I can't seem to get the mucous up thats down there. I'm using albuterol, atrovent, advair, and pulmozyme, along with Tobi inhaled, and the vest and accapella. I guess its possible that that area just will never clear? Anyone experience this. I'm just wondering how often that area will make me sick in the future. I've been fine ok carrying the kids up and down the steps, shoveling snow, back to work and everything. Just needed to vent as it worries me.