New member
Ok so if you haev tricare you know that things are covered 100%. Well when they gave me medicare with my SSD that moved me to tricare for life and they only pay 80% of home infusion. Im freaking out!!! They came to drop off my meds last night and wanted me to sign a paper that said we the patient would pay 25% I was like hell no Im not signing that I have never had a co pay before and Im sure as not letting you make me have one now. well I need my iv's just got the port yesterday and now they are saying well I dont knwo why in aug and dec you got billed with no patient resp. but it says in the rules that its 80% and 20% and medicare doesnt pay for home invsion so you have to pay. I was like WTF are you serious, outta the blue we are going to have to pay like $3000 I dont have that. So Im trying to see if anyone else has tricare nad medicare which switchs you from tricare prime or standard to tricare for life. Im really heated!!!