Anyone Having Trouble finding a CF Doctor?


New member
I am having problems finding someone to treat me in the town I live in..I go to Chapel Hill every three months and I am pretty happy there..but the problem is they are 4 hours away..and I need someone in my town..When I have to go into the hospital I want to stay here because my whole support system is here and I need them..I need advice.


New member
First of all, I am very, very sorry about the death of your sister. I also lost a sister to CF. At least they are not going through all the pain, IV's, etc now. That's some consolation (a little).
Second of all, have you checked the main page of the CF Foundation web site? I'm assuming that they have a place where you can get a complete listing of CF centers/doctors.
What direction are you from Chapel Hill? That may help some others on this website direct you to another location.


New member
I found mine on the cf foundation website. You can also try your local health dept.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I found mine on the cf foundation website. You can also try your local health dept.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">