Anyone heard of using Colloidal Silver to treat MRSA in 2 y/o CFer?


New member
Hi my 2 yo with CF has just recently been diagnosied with MRSA in addition to Pseudomonas. We are currently doing Cipro/ Tobi (3 weeks on/2 weeks off), and Bactrim ( 2weeks). I find lots on the internet about Silver treating MRSA on the skin but not alot about CF and MRSA in the lungs. I also needed to knwo the doseage. Thanks and if anyone has anything they do to beat it or prevent it PLEASE share!!!


New member
Hi my 2 yo with CF has just recently been diagnosied with MRSA in addition to Pseudomonas. We are currently doing Cipro/ Tobi (3 weeks on/2 weeks off), and Bactrim ( 2weeks). I find lots on the internet about Silver treating MRSA on the skin but not alot about CF and MRSA in the lungs. I also needed to knwo the doseage. Thanks and if anyone has anything they do to beat it or prevent it PLEASE share!!!


New member
Hi my 2 yo with CF has just recently been diagnosied with MRSA in addition to Pseudomonas. We are currently doing Cipro/ Tobi (3 weeks on/2 weeks off), and Bactrim ( 2weeks). I find lots on the internet about Silver treating MRSA on the skin but not alot about CF and MRSA in the lungs. I also needed to knwo the doseage. Thanks and if anyone has anything they do to beat it or prevent it PLEASE share!!!<BR>


<a href=""></a><div>^ a good site I found about it. Non biased and not from a drug company. I think what you may actually be talking about it ionic silver due to its antimicrobial properties. But even that, I have NEVER heard anything about a CFer using. </div>


<a href=""></a>^ a good site I found about it. Non biased and not from a drug company. I think what you may actually be talking about it ionic silver due to its antimicrobial properties. But even that, I have NEVER heard anything about a CFer using.


<a href=""></a>^ a good site I found about it. Non biased and not from a drug company. I think what you may actually be talking about it ionic silver due to its antimicrobial properties. But even that, I have NEVER heard anything about a CFer using.