Anyone on disability or assistance from Canada?


New member
Just wanted to know if there was anyone on here that was on disability or social assistance from Canada? If so, how has it been for you? And how long did you have to wait for income to start coming your way? The reason I ask is because I've been told that both do not pay well, especially disability if you don't have a lot of work history behind you. I must say, its very overwhelming. I am applying for both, and just do not know the ins and outs of things. If anyone has any info that'd be great.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I did a search and suggest you continue to look up Canada, cystic fibrosis, diability and see what you find. My computer is not letting me view some of these links for some reason.

It takes a long time but once you get the ball in motion the better off you will be.


New member
which province, Liz?
I think some of this varies from province to province.
I know some folks who are on assistance in Canada but can't remember where they live. Once you let me know where you are I'll post over on that board and see if I can rustle up any info.


My brother who has CF and is waiting for a double lung transplant now lives in BC and he gets his disability through the company he works for..I think he gets something like 1500.00 a month which is not a whole heck of a lot.


New member
This is the only reply I have received so far:


I lived in the province of New Brunswick, so I know that better, and every province is different.

Check out the following web sites I found. The orgs would all be in Winnipeg, I would guess:

Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
There is a phone no. to call, that could give the person some information and/or leads on where else to go.

here's a couple more sites:

Independent Living Institute

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

and the:

Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
"A Voice of Citizens with Disabilities in Manitoba"

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

Hope these links help


New member
Thanks so much Lisa. I did some research and checked out those links, and I do know that disability here in Manitoba (not sure if its different everywhere else) is based on your Canadian Pension Plan. You have to contribute a certain amount to it for a certain amount of years. Because I haven't worked a whole bunch, plus because I am so young, the amount I would get on disability is pityful. But I am still looking into alternatives, and should maybe have something concrete to go on tomorrow or end of this week.

Thanks for all the info guys!


New member
Hi Liz,
I hope you are feeling better soon. I have been reading your blogs and think about you often. You may want to check with the Foundation in Toronto.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> or call them at 1-800-378-2233.

I am in Quebec and we have a few resources provincially but the Foundation can probably give you specific details. We also get great resources from the CF clinic but our daughter is pediatric so I am sure things will change when she is in adult care.

Good luck and keep us posted


New member
Hi Liz

I don't think here in Ontario you need to have contributed to Canada Pension. My son worked periodically and only contributed a very minimal amount to CPC. We have what's called ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program), perhaps you might have the equivallent in Manitoba, begin by calling Social Services and asking them. Along with the monthly allowance he was also received a drug card which covered all of his meds and a dental card.



New member
I looked into it, and I have applied for social assistance with disability, and I have been accepted. I will be getting x amount of money from the government, plus all my prescriptions will be covered, and any other things such as eye appointments and dental work is covered as well. Its just not a lot of money though.