Anyone out there or the goth/punk persuasion?


New member
Hey guys, I'm not real into the whole 'we can get through this together!' thing, but I'm 16 with CF. In the last couple of years I've found it's just easier to get along with the 'goths' of my school and consequentlially I find my parents getting on me about the way I dress. I just have enough to deal with without hearing about how much my mom hates my clothing. If being a little different on the outside helps me deal with being different on the inside..well...I wish they understood that. Is there anyone else out there like me?


New member
Yup, that's me. I did more of it in high school, but my favorite "dress-up" clothes (that is when I'm not too lazy to dress nicely) are Gothic-y. I've always been kind of a weirdo. I like it that way. However, I don't know how much help I can be here because my mom has always been very understanding. She's actually bought my cutest weird clothes for me (a red satin corset, a black viny top with huge safety pins all down the front, a black shredded skirt with ribbon on the sides, etc etc). She likes a lot of the weirdo stuff I wear. Have you ever sat down and actually said to your mother that dressing as an individual helps you feel more comfortable with yourself, relating to the CF? If you put it in this respect, I would hope your mom might listen and calm down. If she's still uptight and hates your clothes, then screw her opinions. You can love your mom and get along with her without needing to agree on every little thing. You're 16, I think it's safe to say you can choose what to wear when you wake up every day.

In the end, clothes are just clothes. They don't decide who you are, or make you a bad person. So wear what you want, whatever makes you feel comfortable, be friends with fellow "Goths" if you so choose, and rock on. Feel free to contact me sometime if you want to talk. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm not of the goth/punk persuasion, but my sister and my boyfriend are both total goths. For awhile my mother had problems with how my sister dresses but now she's grown to accept it. As for my boyfriend, I wouldn't change him for the world. He my be a bit different than others in our area, but he is an extremely sweet guy.

Clothes don't dictate your personality. My sister and boyfriend are a couple of the nicest people you could meet (I'm not being biased on that either). They just have a different sense of style than other people. Believe me it's kind of nice to see something different amongst all the hicks and jocks where I live.

As for me, I dress how I feel. Sometimes I'm in a T-shirt and jeans, other times I'm pretty dressy. I always have my red cloak though (friends say it's my trademark).


New member
I agree, the cloths dont make the man/woman. Ive met some great 'goths' and then ive met some that are jsut as shalow as the other kids. ones that I would smack if i ever had to spend any real time with. Im all for individuality in clothing style. make things alittle more interesting in the world. Plus, think of it as a stupid filter. those people that will judge you based solely on how you look are people that arent worth the air that they breath. and those people will stay away from you. so for you it will have a couple benifits.


New member
i totaly agree my boyfriend is also gothic and i like him more because he is different and he likes to be independent but what i like is that in one way or another we are bolth indapendent in some way like i have cf and he is goth and we bolth have this out of this world attitude that makes us so independent together i love everything about him and he says the same about me.

xenia 14/CF/az


New member
I have to ask, why are goths, goths? I mean I can understand the whole, wanting to be individual, not wanting to be a sheep thing but don't all goths dress in black and look the same anyway? Just out of interest would any of you shop in Abercrombie?


New member
You cant buy Abercrombie here, but everyone loves it. When I was in the U.S i bought loads of it. I really like the stuff. What does preppy mean? I didnt know you could buy clothes from Walmart


New member
Yup, I keep asking my mom if I can dye my hair black but like she won't let me. She's pretty good though, she let me dye it blue and pink and black underneath. So yeah it's pretty awesome!! My stepmom and my dad are like always talking about the way I dress and stuff and it just really makes me mad!! lol!!


New member
I've just never been drawn to the whole goth thing i guess. I just love my bright colourful clothes!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I do like the idea of colouring my hair though!
lol ive colored my hair so many times i dont even remember what its natural color is...i just like to dress however i feel like guess i could be considered punk more then goth...-shrugs- i mix anything i feel like wearing together hehe


New member
Ive couloured my hair a lot too. But I havnt coloured it with coulours just got it highlighted with differnt shades of blonde.


New member
OK. Well i like all the american eagle, aeropostale, abercrombie stuff- a lot of that is because you cant get it over here!


New member
OK. Well i like all the american eagle, aeropostale, abercrombie stuff- a lot of that is because you cant get it over here!


New member
Their sizes are rather small alright. Unfortunately i have weight problems so i fit into it no problem. Good thing or bad thing? I think its a good thing when it comes to those clothes. Over here everythings to big <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">