I was wondering if any of you were ever put on IV antibiotics for your first infection?
My daughter is 4 years old, was diagnosed with CF at birth by newborn screening and has been very healthy since. She recently started coughing (about a month ago) and her doctor insisted on doing a sputum culture before prescribing her anything. It was a very hard couple of weeks trying to teach her how to cough sputum and then finally we were able to do it. She cultured Hemophilus Influenzae and her doctor immediately wanted to admit her and give her IV's for 10-14 days (she also developed a low grade fever 2 days prior to the culture results but she is still energetic and doesn't look run down with sickness). My husband and I were not prepared for this by any means and we sought a second opinion. The other doctor had a different approach at mind. He said he preferred to put her on an oral antibiotic for 2 weeks and then culture again and see. We were a little bit relieved and decided to go with the second opinion. This all happened today and she just took her first dose so we're still not sure how/if it's going to work out.
What I really would like to know is that whether the usual approach is to start orals and then revert to IV's if that didn't work? Or is it normal to have IV's immediately? Especially that this is the first time she ever had an infection.
We don't have CF centers in or country and we have to do with pulmonologists and gastroentrologists who have little experience with CF and who have had little training regarding it while they were specializing.
I'm sorry if my post is too long but I'm really looking for some answers as I'm beyond confused and overwhelmed at the moment.
Thanks in advance.
My daughter is 4 years old, was diagnosed with CF at birth by newborn screening and has been very healthy since. She recently started coughing (about a month ago) and her doctor insisted on doing a sputum culture before prescribing her anything. It was a very hard couple of weeks trying to teach her how to cough sputum and then finally we were able to do it. She cultured Hemophilus Influenzae and her doctor immediately wanted to admit her and give her IV's for 10-14 days (she also developed a low grade fever 2 days prior to the culture results but she is still energetic and doesn't look run down with sickness). My husband and I were not prepared for this by any means and we sought a second opinion. The other doctor had a different approach at mind. He said he preferred to put her on an oral antibiotic for 2 weeks and then culture again and see. We were a little bit relieved and decided to go with the second opinion. This all happened today and she just took her first dose so we're still not sure how/if it's going to work out.
What I really would like to know is that whether the usual approach is to start orals and then revert to IV's if that didn't work? Or is it normal to have IV's immediately? Especially that this is the first time she ever had an infection.
We don't have CF centers in or country and we have to do with pulmonologists and gastroentrologists who have little experience with CF and who have had little training regarding it while they were specializing.
I'm sorry if my post is too long but I'm really looking for some answers as I'm beyond confused and overwhelmed at the moment.
Thanks in advance.