Anyone take aspirin for anti inflammatory purposes?


New member
Aspirin is notoriously hard on your stomach (it can cause inflammation and irritation in the stomach). So, I doubt anyone with CF is taking it for GI tract inflammation. Quite a few of us are already using omeprazole and other stomach acid reducers on a regular basis.


I take ibuprofen daily for the anti-inflammatory effect. There have been studies about its effectiveness in that role for CF patients - from back in the 90s, I think, it is old news.

Anyway I asked my doctor about it, he basically said there are two camps - doctors that think everyone with CF should be taking ibuprofen in very high doses, and then there are doctors that aren't so convinced.


New member
NSAID's (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) like this have a known negative effect on muscle growth, muscle recovery etc.

Along with other sides like being really hard on your stomach, liver and kidneys it's somewhat less harmless stuff then is often thought.

Then again in light of CF the pro's might outweigh the con's for you. Not for me.
Best way is to experiment and find out if you get a noticeable and significant positive effect.


New member
Personally, I've just had too many bleeding issues related to ibuprofen and the like. Even when just taking it to keep a headache or fever down, I'm pretty wary of taking more than a few over a short period.