Anyone take Omega 3's


New member
Oh that makes sense.. My parents take OMega 3 and I was so confused by the bottle because it said 300 mgs of fish oil but that each pill was 1000 now I understand that they must be getting it from other things..

As a side note.. I took a few of their fish oil pills and all I can say is .. lesson of the day.. ENZYMES are Mandatory with this pill.. at least for me.. anyway... I reacted to this like I just ate a whole pizza or something...

Thanks for your replies, links, etc.... I use flax seed oil on my salad a few times a week...

Now to find a calcium pill that I can tolerate.. The chew hurt my teeth, the pills make me want to vomit... and there is no way I can tolerate drinking 2000 mgs of calcium a day...



New member
I take Pharmaceutical Grade Icelandic Fish Oil-Maximum strength. Over 600 mg of EPA and over 400 of DHA in one teaspoon.


New member
I take Pharmaceutical Grade Icelandic Fish Oil-Maximum strength. Over 600 mg of EPA and over 400 of DHA in one teaspoon.


New member
I take Pharmaceutical Grade Icelandic Fish Oil-Maximum strength. Over 600 mg of EPA and over 400 of DHA in one teaspoon.


New member
It is proven that omega's help inflammation. Look at the Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing manual-basically the natural PDR. There is a good description of omegas and their benefits.
I take Flaxseed and Borage oil. 1 tlb per day. I used to be on fish, and flax/bor but they say you really only need to be on one or the other.


New member
It is proven that omega's help inflammation. Look at the Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing manual-basically the natural PDR. There is a good description of omegas and their benefits.
I take Flaxseed and Borage oil. 1 tlb per day. I used to be on fish, and flax/bor but they say you really only need to be on one or the other.


New member
It is proven that omega's help inflammation. Look at the Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing manual-basically the natural PDR. There is a good description of omegas and their benefits.
I take Flaxseed and Borage oil. 1 tlb per day. I used to be on fish, and flax/bor but they say you really only need to be on one or the other.