Anyone use periactin?


New member
Lauren has taken it and it wipes her out too, but only for the first day or two. I am not sure that it really helps her appetite, but it helps her attitude. I am guessing that a placebo would probably work just as well.
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<br />Kathleen, mom to Lauren, age 9, DDF508, and her big brother - no CF


New member
My two boys use it currently and I personally don't really see much of a difference in their eating. It also makes them soo sleepy. They say you need to use it periodically meaning use it for a while then take a break and go back and it should work better that way.


New member
My two boys use it currently and I personally don't really see much of a difference in their eating. It also makes them soo sleepy. They say you need to use it periodically meaning use it for a while then take a break and go back and it should work better that way.


New member
My two boys use it currently and I personally don't really see much of a difference in their eating. It also makes them soo sleepy. They say you need to use it periodically meaning use it for a while then take a break and go back and it should work better that way.


New member
My two boys use it currently and I personally don't really see much of a difference in their eating. It also makes them soo sleepy. They say you need to use it periodically meaning use it for a while then take a break and go back and it should work better that way.


New member
My two boys use it currently and I personally don't really see much of a difference in their eating. It also makes them soo sleepy. They say you need to use it periodically meaning use it for a while then take a break and go back and it should work better that way.


New member
My two boys use it currently and I personally don't really see much of a difference in their eating. It also makes them soo sleepy. They say you need to use it periodically meaning use it for a while then take a break and go back and it should work better that way.


New member
My daughter has been using it for a few years. She takes it three times a day 1 hour before each meal. It works wonders on her. Without it, she never wants to eat much of anything. When she takes it, she eats a normal amount. We've tried stopping it a couple of times for a few weeks and she goes right back to not wanting to eat.

The first couple of days she took it, it wiped her out but she adjusted and now it doesn't affect her sleepiness at all. It also made her wild the first few days. She had horrible temper tantrums. The tantrums and sleepiness stopped pretty quickly, though.


New member
My daughter has been using it for a few years. She takes it three times a day 1 hour before each meal. It works wonders on her. Without it, she never wants to eat much of anything. When she takes it, she eats a normal amount. We've tried stopping it a couple of times for a few weeks and she goes right back to not wanting to eat.

The first couple of days she took it, it wiped her out but she adjusted and now it doesn't affect her sleepiness at all. It also made her wild the first few days. She had horrible temper tantrums. The tantrums and sleepiness stopped pretty quickly, though.


New member
My daughter has been using it for a few years. She takes it three times a day 1 hour before each meal. It works wonders on her. Without it, she never wants to eat much of anything. When she takes it, she eats a normal amount. We've tried stopping it a couple of times for a few weeks and she goes right back to not wanting to eat.
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<br />The first couple of days she took it, it wiped her out but she adjusted and now it doesn't affect her sleepiness at all. It also made her wild the first few days. She had horrible temper tantrums. The tantrums and sleepiness stopped pretty quickly, though.


New member
My son takes 2 tsp 4 times a day and has for the last 3-4 yrs. He has gained over 30 pounds in 4 yrs but also has a feeding tube- so hard to say if it is really helping - doctors want him to stay on when I questioned that.


New member
My son takes 2 tsp 4 times a day and has for the last 3-4 yrs. He has gained over 30 pounds in 4 yrs but also has a feeding tube- so hard to say if it is really helping - doctors want him to stay on when I questioned that.


New member
My son takes 2 tsp 4 times a day and has for the last 3-4 yrs. He has gained over 30 pounds in 4 yrs but also has a feeding tube- so hard to say if it is really helping - doctors want him to stay on when I questioned that.