Celiac Sprue is an autoimmune condition in which the body (intestines specifically) begin to attack themselves and break down the lining when gluten is ingested. It can cause a host of symptoms and complications including stunted growth, anemia, learning delays, chronic pain, large amounts of foul-smelling and painful gas, and alternating diarrhea and constipation. An elimination diet, blood test and/or an endoscopy with an intestinal biopsy can be done to diagnose the disease. People with CF are often initially mis-diagnosed as having Celiac. However, Celiac clears up rapidly when gluten is removed from the diet completely. As long as gluten is removed from the diet the sufferer is symptom-free. With a misdiagnosed person, the syptoms may initially improve some, but will return. The two are not related and people can have both diseases. There is much speculation on the cause of Celiac. It can run in families and the chances of it manifesting in a susceptible person may be increased by formula-feeding, starting solids early, and/or immunizations - all of which have been found to increase autoimmune disorders by disrupting or altering the normal course of physiological development. Reading food labels and avoiding processed foods can help you remove gluten from your daughter's diet. The earlier you know and can treat it (if that is the problem) the milder her symptoms will be and the fewer the complications. Most people with Celiac have a tolerance level - meaning, they can consume one gluten-containing food a week or even two a day, but if they exceed their tolerance level, they will have symptoms. After gluten has been removed completely for at least two weeks, you can slowly introduce it back and see if the symptoms return. This is the best way to determine cause and to find a tolerance level. It is also completely non-invasive. If your daughter does not have Celiac it can be a different food/product sensitivity or it may be that the type of enzymes she is taking are not well-suited to her needs. I have had malabsorbtion, diarrhea symptoms while taking enzymes and a switch can sometimes clear things up. We went through 2 years of gluten-free diet with my daughter (we have a family history of Celiac and had already ruled out CF). She ended up just to have an infancy-sensitivity and grew out of it. She has not symptoms currently and an endoscopy while on an unrestricted diet shown no signs of Celiac. Feel free to email me (<A href="mailto:jaloughlin3@sbcglobal.net">jaloughlin3@sbcglobal.net</A>) if you have any questions about what contains gluten or what alternatives are out there.