Anyone willing to do this?



I have an idea for cf awareness and donations. Basically piggybacking on the ALS challenge, having a "CF Puddin' Dump Challange". I feel the use of pudding (mucus) represents CF the best.

Anyone willing to do this challange? Or have any ideas to add?


New member
Ice Bucket worked because it lends itself to youtube-able reaction videos without really requiring much from the participants. Ice water is cheap and easy to clean up. Getting a little cold and a little wet really isn't much of a challenge. But the reaction to cold water is reflexive and funny.

For CF maybe a salt based thing (other than that not being very good for the health of anyone that doesn't have CF). Or a run while breathing through a straw challenge.


Super Moderator
I agree with Ethan. A balloon bet battle might work well....where each person has to blow a balloon up with a straw for a minute and bet the next person they can't top it. Blow..time.measure..tag. If the next person wins the first must donate $5 and the. It. Over on...if the next loses the second must donate five and share. While a coffee straw works best a normal straw is easier to come could lay with how it was rs for sharing..betting maybe wagers on who will win the next battle...etc.


New member
How many of you can blow up a ballon until it pops? Video yourself and a few of your non-CFer friends/family and see if that would make an interesting challenge.


New member
One thing I've been thinking about doing is singing songs with my vest on, because it's fun and because it sounds absolutely ridiculous.

I asked for suggestions at another forum and someone said I should try Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap, basically trading out her chorus effect for a vibratey voice.

Ideally, it'll be so absurd that people will share it out of silliness and information can be piggybacked with posts or on the video description.

It's not a world-changing event, but it's something I might do for fun anyways and some people is more than zero.


New member
At the last family reunion, several cousins got a kick trying on the vest and singing or talking with it on. I think it would make for a great raising awareness idea, especially if you could get a famous singer to belt out a mega ballad with it on (Titanic or Frozen theme).


New member
Hah! "Let it go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-...."

Well, now I feel more encouraged. I've been practicing Hide and Seek, but I need to learn the end bits because her melody goes all over the place. So far it sounds really on-point (not my singing skills, just the translation of the effect). If I can bang it out I'll share it here first.

I wonder if you'd have protection to use it knowing it would get widely seen, since you're not making money off of it, or endorsing anything, and maybe just lean on classifying it as a parody?


New member
I can't unsee, in my mind, the tubes that hook the vest to the compressor(?) flailing around. That would be pretty amazing.