Anyone with Cystic Fibrosis taken ACCUTANE for acne?


New member
I have struggled with cystic acne since I was 13, now I am 24 and the struggle continues. I have been seeing a dermatologist since I was 13. I have tried dozens of different topical creams, some worked for me but it was only a matter of time before my body built up a resistance. I have also tried antibiotics and birth control. My dermatologist has been hesitant to put me on Accutane because I have Cystic Fibrosis. Previous CF docs have said it should be fine, but I wanted to do some research first.

Have you or anyone you know with Cystic Fibrosis taken Accutane?
Were there any extra risks involved because of CF?
Did it affect CF symptoms?
Is this something you would do again/suggest to someone else with CF that struggles with acne?
Were any side effects of Accutane intensified because of CF meds?

All experiences, thoughts, questions, and opinions welcome!


New member

I took acutane when I 20 yrs old and didn't notice any more problems than I already had. I think you should do your own research on Acutane and see if you want to pursue that option I haven't heard anything good about acutane since I took it. I have struggled with acne my entire adult life most don't realize that acne is just a adolescent problem but it an actual medical skin condition. I have tried all the topical treatments as well over the counter and prescription from a dermatologist. Right now I use Exposed Skin Care (google it),and it is the best treatment that I have ever used.

I also suggest that you research what foods cause acne and which which foods help fight it, and change your diet accordingly. I am 38 years old and just found out now that dairy products can cause acne. Dairy products actually help clog your pores by holding excess oil in your pores.

I hope this helps.

Dave, 38 w/cf, 3 months post transplant


New member
Hello, yes I toom it when j was 19. I am now 28. My advice, dont do it!! My face was clear for 6 months and then the acne came back full force. I started to clear up again at about 25 years old. My hair was falling out in clumps and I was craving very oily food. I have a mild case of cf so I didnt notice anything that made my cf worse but I dont think it helped. I could tell my body was not happy and I looked sickly and pale. It wasnt worth the 6 months of clear skin!!


I would not consider Accutane because the side effects are so harsh not to mention putting them on top of CF and its medications and side effects. I have dealt with cystic acne as well and the two things that have helped the most are Tumeric capsules - which is excellent for lung function too and Pantothenic Acid (B5) which is also good for lung disorders - its a win win! I take 2000 mg of pantothenic acid daily (2 - 500 mg caps in a.m. & 2 in p.m.). It took about a month to two months for it clear up my cysts but they are gone! No I only have smaller break outs and clearer skin than I have had in years. I tried to come off the pantothenic acid for about a month because I ran out and my cysts began to come back. I also had to cut dairy and sugar out of my diet, but that has helped with health and appetite anyway. Hope this helps!


I took Accutane about 10 years ago or so. I know that it has gotten a really bad rap since then, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I had battled acne since I was young and took it in my 40's after i saw how much it helped my son. Not only did it clear up my acne (and I still don't have problems) but my lung function actually improved while I was on it. Dropped back down after I went off. So we did a trial of me taking it 3 days a week just to see what would happen with my lung function. It did improve again slightly, but over time I started experiencing joint pain and had to go off of it.
I would suggest doing lots of research (I don't know any of the latest info on this drug) but it might be worth a try. I would do it again in a heartbeat to get rid of the acne.


I had huge problems with acne, it was all over my face, shoulders, back and chest. From my 13 years until I was 15 or 16. At school I was laughed at, because of it. I tried all sorts of stuff but nothing helped. Then Accutane came. I took it for three months, and my problems were over. I had no side effects. It quite saved me. I would say I should have got it much sooner, before the acne started affecting my self-image.. That was 12 years ago.


My son was diagnosed with CF last April. The year prior he took accutane. He still has pretty severe scarring, but no more acne. His acne from 13 to 17 was so severe that he actually was sent to the hospital because a pimple swelled his eye shut. The pimples were interconnected beneath the skin and would swell up bigger than a fist. It was really really terrible. Several times they sent him home from school because they thought the "infections" would contaminate other students. He was in constant pain from the pimples, his pillow cases were stained with blood. He ended up taking accutane for almost a year.

We did not know about the CF so did not notice a difference with accutane. But, the odd thing is that his persistent cough went away with accutane and came back after he stopped. He still has the cough now, but he can experience a normal life in terms of social interaction. To be honest I think the acne affected him more than the CF.

Accutane is a serious medication and requires monthly blood tests. Yet I think it is a godsend for very severe acne cases.