A while back Josh had candida overgrowth and began drinking green smoothies as a part of his treatment. We had a recipe book, but I just found this AP that gives good info about the health benefit if each ingredient too.
I find it interesting on her site that she says "non-organic produce doesn't have any nutrition". see link below This makes her lose a LOT of creditbility. I can see why organic produce has MORE nutrition. But its dangerous to say that non-organic produce doesn't have ANY nutrition. So that means that middle class America who can't afford to buy organic is getting absolutely no nutrition when they eat a non-organic apple or banana? NOT SO. She even listed the foods to compare. There may be LESS nutrition but not NONE. This is simply a way to scare people into believing that only organic is worthwhile. I understand it is better to eat organic but telling people they are not getting any nutrition from non-organic foods is just plain WRONG. She needs to understand most people don't have the means to go 100% organic.
Scaring people into going into the organic lifestyle may not be an effective strategy for getting people to switch over.http://greensmoothiesblog.com/why-is-organic-produce-important/
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