

New member
Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just gets so confusing. She is going really good. She eats and I really don't know what else to give her to make her gain more weight? How much should a 2 1/2 year old girl weight. She is really active. She is almost 27 pounds if not 27. Any advice would be great.


New member
Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just gets so confusing. She is going really good. She eats and I really don't know what else to give her to make her gain more weight? How much should a 2 1/2 year old girl weight. She is really active. She is almost 27 pounds if not 27. Any advice would be great.


New member
Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just gets so confusing. She is going really good. She eats and I really don't know what else to give her to make her gain more weight? How much should a 2 1/2 year old girl weight. She is really active. She is almost 27 pounds if not 27. Any advice would be great.


New member
Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just gets so confusing. She is going really good. She eats and I really don't know what else to give her to make her gain more weight? How much should a 2 1/2 year old girl weight. She is really active. She is almost 27 pounds if not 27. Any advice would be great.


New member
Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just gets so confusing. She is going really good. She eats and I really don't know what else to give her to make her gain more weight? How much should a 2 1/2 year old girl weight. She is really active. She is almost 27 pounds if not 27. Any advice would be great.


New member
I like the name Madison. I never had any girls, but that name was one of my choices if I did. It's hard to say what is a good weight for your daughter. I don't know how tall she is, and that definitely plays a roll. Genetics is also a factor. If you and her father are short & petite, then she will be too. Here's a link to check her BMI.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I'm sure the doc's office can do this for you as well. I know it seems that we hear more negative than positive at doctor's appts. I guess with limited time, they want to make sure we understand what needs attention. The good things we've been able to accomplish sort of get left out sometimes. Hang in there. Let us know how the appt. went.



New member
I like the name Madison. I never had any girls, but that name was one of my choices if I did. It's hard to say what is a good weight for your daughter. I don't know how tall she is, and that definitely plays a roll. Genetics is also a factor. If you and her father are short & petite, then she will be too. Here's a link to check her BMI.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I'm sure the doc's office can do this for you as well. I know it seems that we hear more negative than positive at doctor's appts. I guess with limited time, they want to make sure we understand what needs attention. The good things we've been able to accomplish sort of get left out sometimes. Hang in there. Let us know how the appt. went.



New member
I like the name Madison. I never had any girls, but that name was one of my choices if I did. It's hard to say what is a good weight for your daughter. I don't know how tall she is, and that definitely plays a roll. Genetics is also a factor. If you and her father are short & petite, then she will be too. Here's a link to check her BMI.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I'm sure the doc's office can do this for you as well. I know it seems that we hear more negative than positive at doctor's appts. I guess with limited time, they want to make sure we understand what needs attention. The good things we've been able to accomplish sort of get left out sometimes. Hang in there. Let us know how the appt. went.



New member
I like the name Madison. I never had any girls, but that name was one of my choices if I did. It's hard to say what is a good weight for your daughter. I don't know how tall she is, and that definitely plays a roll. Genetics is also a factor. If you and her father are short & petite, then she will be too. Here's a link to check her BMI.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I'm sure the doc's office can do this for you as well. I know it seems that we hear more negative than positive at doctor's appts. I guess with limited time, they want to make sure we understand what needs attention. The good things we've been able to accomplish sort of get left out sometimes. Hang in there. Let us know how the appt. went.



New member
I like the name Madison. I never had any girls, but that name was one of my choices if I did. It's hard to say what is a good weight for your daughter. I don't know how tall she is, and that definitely plays a roll. Genetics is also a factor. If you and her father are short & petite, then she will be too. Here's a link to check her BMI.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I'm sure the doc's office can do this for you as well. I know it seems that we hear more negative than positive at doctor's appts. I guess with limited time, they want to make sure we understand what needs attention. The good things we've been able to accomplish sort of get left out sometimes. Hang in there. Let us know how the appt. went.



New member
I know what you mean about not wanting to hear it. My boy is small and sometimes we've got an earful from his nutritionist about how he needs to eat more. Fine, we said; you come over and make him eat when he's not hungry.

Anyway, he is 4+ now and we've sort of settled into the idea that if his weight is going up we don't pay attention to nutritionist complaints that he's small; if his weight drops between visits, we try to encourage more food.


New member
I know what you mean about not wanting to hear it. My boy is small and sometimes we've got an earful from his nutritionist about how he needs to eat more. Fine, we said; you come over and make him eat when he's not hungry.

Anyway, he is 4+ now and we've sort of settled into the idea that if his weight is going up we don't pay attention to nutritionist complaints that he's small; if his weight drops between visits, we try to encourage more food.


New member
I know what you mean about not wanting to hear it. My boy is small and sometimes we've got an earful from his nutritionist about how he needs to eat more. Fine, we said; you come over and make him eat when he's not hungry.

Anyway, he is 4+ now and we've sort of settled into the idea that if his weight is going up we don't pay attention to nutritionist complaints that he's small; if his weight drops between visits, we try to encourage more food.


New member
I know what you mean about not wanting to hear it. My boy is small and sometimes we've got an earful from his nutritionist about how he needs to eat more. Fine, we said; you come over and make him eat when he's not hungry.

Anyway, he is 4+ now and we've sort of settled into the idea that if his weight is going up we don't pay attention to nutritionist complaints that he's small; if his weight drops between visits, we try to encourage more food.


New member
I know what you mean about not wanting to hear it. My boy is small and sometimes we've got an earful from his nutritionist about how he needs to eat more. Fine, we said; you come over and make him eat when he's not hungry.

Anyway, he is 4+ now and we've sort of settled into the idea that if his weight is going up we don't pay attention to nutritionist complaints that he's small; if his weight drops between visits, we try to encourage more food.