
New member
Sean absolutely refuses to take AquaDEK's. He's normally very good about choking down anything we ask him to but after I took a whiff, there's no way I could make him. We spoke to his Dr. and she wrote a scrip for another vitamin.


New member
Sean absolutely refuses to take AquaDEK's. He's normally very good about choking down anything we ask him to but after I took a whiff, there's no way I could make him. We spoke to his Dr. and she wrote a scrip for another vitamin.


New member
Sean absolutely refuses to take AquaDEK's. He's normally very good about choking down anything we ask him to but after I took a whiff, there's no way I could make him. We spoke to his Dr. and she wrote a scrip for another vitamin.


New member
Sean absolutely refuses to take AquaDEK's. He's normally very good about choking down anything we ask him to but after I took a whiff, there's no way I could make him. We spoke to his Dr. and she wrote a scrip for another vitamin.


New member
Sean absolutely refuses to take AquaDEK's. He's normally very good about choking down anything we ask him to but after I took a whiff, there's no way I could make him. We spoke to his Dr. and she wrote a scrip for another vitamin.


Staff member
DS is on the AquaAdeks drops and he doesn't mind the smell or taste. I on the otherhand gag whenever I get them ready for him. To me, they smell like sinus infection and I pretty much dry heave when I load an oral syringe with them each dsay.. Bleah!


Staff member
DS is on the AquaAdeks drops and he doesn't mind the smell or taste. I on the otherhand gag whenever I get them ready for him. To me, they smell like sinus infection and I pretty much dry heave when I load an oral syringe with them each dsay.. Bleah!


Staff member
DS is on the AquaAdeks drops and he doesn't mind the smell or taste. I on the otherhand gag whenever I get them ready for him. To me, they smell like sinus infection and I pretty much dry heave when I load an oral syringe with them each dsay.. Bleah!


Staff member
DS is on the AquaAdeks drops and he doesn't mind the smell or taste. I on the otherhand gag whenever I get them ready for him. To me, they smell like sinus infection and I pretty much dry heave when I load an oral syringe with them each dsay.. Bleah!


Staff member
DS is on the AquaAdeks drops and he doesn't mind the smell or taste. I on the otherhand gag whenever I get them ready for him. To me, they smell like sinus infection and I pretty much dry heave when I load an oral syringe with them each dsay.. Bleah!


New member
I know what you mean! Personally, I loved the taste of the chewables..but these nasty black softgels are sickening. Instead I take 2 Flintstones vitamins (yeah it's for kids but they have a lot of extra stuff adult ones do not) and also D & E supplements. More pills but at least they don't make me sick!


New member
I know what you mean! Personally, I loved the taste of the chewables..but these nasty black softgels are sickening. Instead I take 2 Flintstones vitamins (yeah it's for kids but they have a lot of extra stuff adult ones do not) and also D & E supplements. More pills but at least they don't make me sick!


New member
I know what you mean! Personally, I loved the taste of the chewables..but these nasty black softgels are sickening. Instead I take 2 Flintstones vitamins (yeah it's for kids but they have a lot of extra stuff adult ones do not) and also D & E supplements. More pills but at least they don't make me sick!


New member
I know what you mean! Personally, I loved the taste of the chewables..but these nasty black softgels are sickening. Instead I take 2 Flintstones vitamins (yeah it's for kids but they have a lot of extra stuff adult ones do not) and also D & E supplements. More pills but at least they don't make me sick!


New member
I know what you mean! Personally, I loved the taste of the chewables..but these nasty black softgels are sickening. Instead I take 2 Flintstones vitamins (yeah it's for kids but they have a lot of extra stuff adult ones do not) and also D & E supplements. More pills but at least they don't make me sick!