I am having a problem that I need suggestions for. I am Marissa's step-mother, but she lives with me (and her father), and I basically either administer all of her treatments, or on the times when I am not available tell another family member when and what to do to keep her on track.
I don't have any problems when it comes to compliance from her grandmother or a friend who she sometimes spends the night with, but her mother and step-father don't always do what they are supposed to do. In fact, out of the last 10 times they were supposed to give her meds (nebulizers) after school, they only did it once. I express my concerns to them, and either I get asked if she is sick (I tell them, well she has CF, which they look at me like I am silly for saying that, because they still want to know if she is sick, but Marissa is in the area and I can't explain that having CF means YOU ARE SICK), or I get told they will do it only to have Marissa come home at night and say she didn't do her meds. When we ask why she didn't, they will say they forgot or ran out of time.
I have called 10 minutes before they leave to get her off the bus to remind them, and still they will "forget." I know the hardest part of doing Riss's meds is getting her in the chair. It isn't like she throws fits or anything like that (99% of the time), it is that you actually have to stay with her until you hook her up or she will "escape."
She tries to avoid her meds, and she will end up doing anything but if you just tell her to go do them, and then she will say she "forgot" if you ask her why she isn't on her vest/nebulizer. I think this is probably what is happening there, because besides "Oh I forgot," we also get "We ran out of time." It isn't a matter of they went anywhere, they just ran out of time.
When Riss comes to me after school, she immediately gets on her nebs and does her homework, and then she cleans her room. She is done everything by 4:15. When she goes to her Mom's she comes home (to us) at 6:30pm (which is when we are supposed to start her evening round), homework not done, hasn't eaten dinner, and didn't do her meds because "they forgot" or "ran out of time."
I guess I really needed to rant this morning, but I am beside myself. I make sure my DH knows she is skipping at her Mom's, and he will call to complain and "threaten" to not send her over if they do not do her meds, but that is not a successful threat because we can't hurt Marissa that way, and they know it.
How do I, merely the step-mom, get them to understand that Marissa already "skipped" so much of her meds while she was not diagnosed that it is in her best interest to not do anymore skipping? How do I get them to understand that even if she is not dripping green gunk from her nose, she is SICK? That being the "nice parents" who don't make her comply with her doctor's orders is not being "nice" at all?
Anyone been here?
Sorry if I gave anyone a headache.
I am having a problem that I need suggestions for. I am Marissa's step-mother, but she lives with me (and her father), and I basically either administer all of her treatments, or on the times when I am not available tell another family member when and what to do to keep her on track.
I don't have any problems when it comes to compliance from her grandmother or a friend who she sometimes spends the night with, but her mother and step-father don't always do what they are supposed to do. In fact, out of the last 10 times they were supposed to give her meds (nebulizers) after school, they only did it once. I express my concerns to them, and either I get asked if she is sick (I tell them, well she has CF, which they look at me like I am silly for saying that, because they still want to know if she is sick, but Marissa is in the area and I can't explain that having CF means YOU ARE SICK), or I get told they will do it only to have Marissa come home at night and say she didn't do her meds. When we ask why she didn't, they will say they forgot or ran out of time.
I have called 10 minutes before they leave to get her off the bus to remind them, and still they will "forget." I know the hardest part of doing Riss's meds is getting her in the chair. It isn't like she throws fits or anything like that (99% of the time), it is that you actually have to stay with her until you hook her up or she will "escape."
She tries to avoid her meds, and she will end up doing anything but if you just tell her to go do them, and then she will say she "forgot" if you ask her why she isn't on her vest/nebulizer. I think this is probably what is happening there, because besides "Oh I forgot," we also get "We ran out of time." It isn't a matter of they went anywhere, they just ran out of time.
When Riss comes to me after school, she immediately gets on her nebs and does her homework, and then she cleans her room. She is done everything by 4:15. When she goes to her Mom's she comes home (to us) at 6:30pm (which is when we are supposed to start her evening round), homework not done, hasn't eaten dinner, and didn't do her meds because "they forgot" or "ran out of time."
I guess I really needed to rant this morning, but I am beside myself. I make sure my DH knows she is skipping at her Mom's, and he will call to complain and "threaten" to not send her over if they do not do her meds, but that is not a successful threat because we can't hurt Marissa that way, and they know it.
How do I, merely the step-mom, get them to understand that Marissa already "skipped" so much of her meds while she was not diagnosed that it is in her best interest to not do anymore skipping? How do I get them to understand that even if she is not dripping green gunk from her nose, she is SICK? That being the "nice parents" who don't make her comply with her doctor's orders is not being "nice" at all?
Anyone been here?
Sorry if I gave anyone a headache.