Are you a pro-pill popper?


New member
My cousin was telling me the other day that her boyfriend who also has CF has a really hard time taking his pills, which I found to be strange. Since I've been popping my own since I can remember it's super easy, and I would've thought most people with CF would be pros at this (apparently not). Seriously, my friends' eyes always bug out when I take my meds dry like I'm splitting the Red Sea or something. THAT was fun explaining to the school nurse that noooooooo I do not need water with my pills thank you very much.


New member
My daughter is a pro pill popper. She takes 7 pills at one time. She has been doing this since she was 2. And I'm the one that has a hard time swallowing LOL But I'm glad she is, and she tries to take them without water but I don't let her just cause it scares me. :)


My son who is 16 is definitely a pro pill popper since age 4. He can take about 8 at a time (4 enzymes, 4 various vitamins and other sorts). I have been in the medical field for 18 years and I will occasionally run into full grown adults that can't even take one pill. They literally ask for liquids. I ask "Do you want that in grape too?" but on a serious note, the best way I trained my patients is to swallow crushed ice with the pills. It teaches them that its ok to relax the back of the tongue. Some just have a seriously bad gag reflex and some never get over a fear if they had a pill caught in their throat.

PS: I thought this thread might be for parents of CF children too, taking Valium or Xanax LOL jk ;)


Staff member
DS has been doing this since he was 3 or 4. A relative remarked during one holiday dinner about how he was able to swallow a handful of pills, yet his 17 year old cousin was still taking children's chewable pain reliever.


New member
I've been popping 6-8 pills at once since I was 3 or 4.

I don't know that I would use the term "pill popping" as I thought of pill heads taking xanex and what not.


New member
I've been popping 6-8 pills at once since I was 3 or 4.

I don't know that I would use the term "pill popping" as I thought of pill heads taking xanex and what not.

lol, well ya gotta have some fun with it. At least everyone around me knows what I mean when I say "I've got to pop my pills."


New member
I am most certainly not a pro-pill popper! I have a strong and violent gag reflex, and after 34 years, I still have a really hard time!! It's actually kind of embarassing lol


Staff member
DS does have this giant horse tablet he takes twice a day -- Septra DS and every once in awhile it doesn't quite go down. So the first time it happened I put it on a spoonful of honey and he swallowed it down. So if it happens again he bellows HONEY, I NEED HONEY. Imagine I'll have to use pancake syrup


At lunch the guys I work with watch wide eyed as I take 10 Zenpep without a drink. The one guy takes a cholesterol pill and it takes him a half a bottle of water to get it down.