Are you a vegetarian? What are your PFT/FEV1 Levels like?



Thank you Tisha, but my baby is only 4 months old. I will not fight with the CF center about this now. When she is older she will decide for herself. :)


New member
There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian at all. It's actually very good for controlling blood sugar in general which also makes it an extremely strong tool in fighting CF and CFRD. When you have high-blood sugar constantly you are generally easily able to get sick and not able to fight off infections. However! There is a catch, you must make sure to maintain a proper intake of protein for maintaining high albumin levels in the blood as albumin is key to help you fight off infections and rebuild your bodies cells and muscles. As long as you keep your protein intake at normal levels, there is NO reason you can not be vegetarian and have CF. Just make sure you take in required minerals, Vit A and other antioxidants and you will be A-OKAY. Can this have a positive effect on PFT's certainly can! It can also be negative if you do not maintain a proper protein intake, so know your foods and read up and you should have no problems at all.<br><br>With that being said, I am not vegetarian because, quite frankly I like meat. <br>


New member
There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian at all. It's actually very good for controlling blood sugar in general which also makes it an extremely strong tool in fighting CF and CFRD. When you have high-blood sugar constantly you are generally easily able to get sick and not able to fight off infections. However! There is a catch, you must make sure to maintain a proper intake of protein for maintaining high albumin levels in the blood as albumin is key to help you fight off infections and rebuild your bodies cells and muscles. As long as you keep your protein intake at normal levels, there is NO reason you can not be vegetarian and have CF. Just make sure you take in required minerals, Vit A and other antioxidants and you will be A-OKAY. Can this have a positive effect on PFT's certainly can! It can also be negative if you do not maintain a proper protein intake, so know your foods and read up and you should have no problems at all.<br><br>With that being said, I am not vegetarian because, quite frankly I like meat. <br>


New member
There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian at all. It's actually very good for controlling blood sugar in general which also makes it an extremely strong tool in fighting CF and CFRD. When you have high-blood sugar constantly you are generally easily able to get sick and not able to fight off infections. However! There is a catch, you must make sure to maintain a proper intake of protein for maintaining high albumin levels in the blood as albumin is key to help you fight off infections and rebuild your bodies cells and muscles. As long as you keep your protein intake at normal levels, there is NO reason you can not be vegetarian and have CF. Just make sure you take in required minerals, Vit A and other antioxidants and you will be A-OKAY. Can this have a positive effect on PFT's certainly can! It can also be negative if you do not maintain a proper protein intake, so know your foods and read up and you should have no problems at all.<br><br>With that being said, I am not vegetarian because, quite frankly I like meat. <br>


New member
I am gluten free, sugar free and processed food free.
<br>I try to eat 50% vegetarian and 30% raw.
<br>Today I had spinach, watercress, beet, carrot, yam, brussel sprout juice!
<br>I get lots of these calories via g-tube. If you look at the Paleo Diet this seems to be the ideal diet for CF.
<br>Being vegetarian or not is missing the point, you have to be nutrient centric versus type. Here is the perfect storm of nutritional problems we face. Sometimes Cf operates opposite then regular people. Like calcium supplementation is supposed to be good but not for us etc. its more of a vit d problem.
<br>1.Metabolic syndrome - Long term blood sugars, not controlled properly in the body, taxes the system to where most Cf's adults get clinical CFRD. This can be avoided, irrespective of what clinical outlines say. If we don't tax our systems we can do better. Learn about blood sugar and how we are so affected by it.
<br>2.Nutrient Mal-absorbtion - We cant absorb the right amount of nutrients especially fats. This is such a catch 22 that it is so imperitive to get our stomachs straightend out so we get nutrients we need to live. For me it was finding out that I have a gluten intolerance once I was gluten free my health did a 120, notice it was not a 180 - the other 60 degrees is the right carbs and healthy foods. Still work in progress for the rest
<br>3.Inflammation of cells and lungs - We cant help it our immune systems just don't shut off, it causes long term damage. I remember once asking what CRP is on my labs. I was quickly answered that in CF it is always high no need to worry about it. I accepted and moved on. Well what it is besides just an indicator of heart disease but an indicator of unbridled inflammation in our bodies namely our lungs. Its like we have a non stop splinter and our lungs are always inflamed. I bet if we got this under control we would have a 25% bump in PFT's if we got rid of the pseudomonas we would get another 25% bump.
<br>4.Congestion caused by defect in respiratory transport channels - Ah yes the underlying disease mechanism that causes this all. Isnt it interesting that we are here at all. So something must be working to get this far. Isnt it true that babies with Cf lungs are clear and not affected for a few years. Is there something we are missing what really makes us sick and how can we address this. If we are wrong from the beginning what hope so us 41 year olds have
<br>Please see these other posts
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>G-tube advantage
<br>When is the last time you had a hard boiled egg, olive oil and squash smoothie?
<br><a href=""></a>


New member
I am gluten free, sugar free and processed food free.
<br>I try to eat 50% vegetarian and 30% raw.
<br>Today I had spinach, watercress, beet, carrot, yam, brussel sprout juice!
<br>I get lots of these calories via g-tube. If you look at the Paleo Diet this seems to be the ideal diet for CF.
<br>Being vegetarian or not is missing the point, you have to be nutrient centric versus type. Here is the perfect storm of nutritional problems we face. Sometimes Cf operates opposite then regular people. Like calcium supplementation is supposed to be good but not for us etc. its more of a vit d problem.
<br>1.Metabolic syndrome - Long term blood sugars, not controlled properly in the body, taxes the system to where most Cf's adults get clinical CFRD. This can be avoided, irrespective of what clinical outlines say. If we don't tax our systems we can do better. Learn about blood sugar and how we are so affected by it.
<br>2.Nutrient Mal-absorbtion - We cant absorb the right amount of nutrients especially fats. This is such a catch 22 that it is so imperitive to get our stomachs straightend out so we get nutrients we need to live. For me it was finding out that I have a gluten intolerance once I was gluten free my health did a 120, notice it was not a 180 - the other 60 degrees is the right carbs and healthy foods. Still work in progress for the rest
<br>3.Inflammation of cells and lungs - We cant help it our immune systems just don't shut off, it causes long term damage. I remember once asking what CRP is on my labs. I was quickly answered that in CF it is always high no need to worry about it. I accepted and moved on. Well what it is besides just an indicator of heart disease but an indicator of unbridled inflammation in our bodies namely our lungs. Its like we have a non stop splinter and our lungs are always inflamed. I bet if we got this under control we would have a 25% bump in PFT's if we got rid of the pseudomonas we would get another 25% bump.
<br>4.Congestion caused by defect in respiratory transport channels - Ah yes the underlying disease mechanism that causes this all. Isnt it interesting that we are here at all. So something must be working to get this far. Isnt it true that babies with Cf lungs are clear and not affected for a few years. Is there something we are missing what really makes us sick and how can we address this. If we are wrong from the beginning what hope so us 41 year olds have
<br>Please see these other posts
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>G-tube advantage
<br>When is the last time you had a hard boiled egg, olive oil and squash smoothie?
<br><a href=""></a>


New member
<p>I am gluten free, sugar free and processed food free.
<br>I try to eat 50% vegetarian and 30% raw.
<br>Today I had spinach, watercress, beet, carrot, yam, brussel sprout juice!
<br>I get lots of these calories via g-tube. If you look at the Paleo Diet this seems to be the ideal diet for CF.
<br>Being vegetarian or not is missing the point, you have to be nutrient centric versus type. Here is the perfect storm of nutritional problems we face. Sometimes Cf operates opposite then regular people. Like calcium supplementation is supposed to be good but not for us etc. its more of a vit d problem.
<br>1.Metabolic syndrome - Long term blood sugars, not controlled properly in the body, taxes the system to where most Cf's adults get clinical CFRD. This can be avoided, irrespective of what clinical outlines say. If we don't tax our systems we can do better. Learn about blood sugar and how we are so affected by it.
<br>2.Nutrient Mal-absorbtion - We cant absorb the right amount of nutrients especially fats. This is such a catch 22 that it is so imperitive to get our stomachs straightend out so we get nutrients we need to live. For me it was finding out that I have a gluten intolerance once I was gluten free my health did a 120, notice it was not a 180 - the other 60 degrees is the right carbs and healthy foods. Still work in progress for the rest
<br>3.Inflammation of cells and lungs - We cant help it our immune systems just don't shut off, it causes long term damage. I remember once asking what CRP is on my labs. I was quickly answered that in CF it is always high no need to worry about it. I accepted and moved on. Well what it is besides just an indicator of heart disease but an indicator of unbridled inflammation in our bodies namely our lungs. Its like we have a non stop splinter and our lungs are always inflamed. I bet if we got this under control we would have a 25% bump in PFT's if we got rid of the pseudomonas we would get another 25% bump.
<br>4.Congestion caused by defect in respiratory transport channels - Ah yes the underlying disease mechanism that causes this all. Isnt it interesting that we are here at all. So something must be working to get this far. Isnt it true that babies with Cf lungs are clear and not affected for a few years. Is there something we are missing what really makes us sick and how can we address this. If we are wrong from the beginning what hope so us 41 year olds have
<br>Please see these other posts
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>G-tube advantage
<br>When is the last time you had a hard boiled egg, olive oil and squash smoothie?
<br><a href=""></a>


New member
Babies with CF are do not necessarily have unaffected lungs. I had pneumonia twice and a pneumothorax by the time I was six months old. My lungs and GI were problematic right from birth.


New member
Babies with CF are do not necessarily have unaffected lungs. I had pneumonia twice and a pneumothorax by the time I was six months old. My lungs and GI were problematic right from birth.


New member
Babies with CF are do not necessarily have unaffected lungs. I had pneumonia twice and a pneumothorax by the time I was six months old. My lungs and GI were problematic right from birth.