Arrival of Abigail Jo


New member
Hey all! This is Emily's husband, Dave. I just wanted to give y'all an update of where we are at right now. Emily went in Sunday night (Aug 6) to the hospital to have IV antibiotics adminstered prior to the scheduled c-section on Monday, August 7. The morning of the event got off to an early start as they started prepping Em around 6am. The procedure began about 7:30 and at 7:48am Abigail Jo was born. She weighed in at 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20.5 in. in length. Our wonderful pediatrician was on hand to closely and carefully examine Abby as soon as she was born. Even in the hours following her birth he kept a watchful eye on her and relayed to us that he would be there at the slightest hint of any issues with her. Mom came through the procedure with flying colors, although she says that she is in more pain this time around than she was with Lucy 2 years ago. Speaking of Lucy, she got to see her little sister later that morning when she came to the hospital with her Nana. She came bounding into the hospital room chanting, "Abby, Abby, Abby!" SHe is a very proud big sister.

Abby is just such a bundle of joy. We could not have asked for anything more perfect. To us she is so tiny as her sister Lucy was 9 lbs. 7 oz. when she was born. She has taken to breastfeeding pretty well as far as I can tell. She has the most adorable little cry. Mom and baby will probably arrive home midafternoon tomorrow. Mom is a little worried about the 14 steps to our 2nd floor where our bedrooms are at.

I would be glad to post pictures of the little angel for you all to see but as Em is the technical expert in the family I think that it would be best for her to complete that task as soon as she is up to it. Julie -- do you have the expertise do upload the pics (in a viewable format and size) I sent to you (if you don't mind being put on the spot)?

We will continue to keep you all updated with where we are at. We so much appreciate everyone who has kept our family in their thoughts and prayers. You were a blessing to us!!

Dave Wiegert


New member
Wecome to the world Abby!! And great job to Emily. Congratulations to all of your family...can't wait to see the little angel.

Give Emily a hug from all of us here and may she rest well.


Jody and Fam


New member
No problem Dave, she's a beautiful baby!!! I have lots of free time so I'll work on this right now!


New member
Congratulations!!! I"ve been wondering about you guys! Great pics (Thanks Julie for putting them on!) Take care Em, and post when you can!!!


New member
The last one was me...didn't know I wasn't logged in. Also didn't know you could still post annonymously?!?


New member
Congrats! How exciting! I love babies.

I don't know if Em told you but I am going to marry a Wiegert (of the New York Wiegerts) in October. Do you know of any relatives of yours in NY?


New member
dave, well done mate. Give our love to Em and Abby, and lucy also.
Abby has the same genes as my Craig.


New member
welcome abby<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> what a cutie, hooray!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Congratulations you guys! And welcome Abigail Jo!! You guys are such a cute family!