Article about Mycobacterium and CF


Staff member
A couple years ago I'd seen a similar article. There are two children in our area who had/have it. One underwent a double lung transplant at the age of 12, the other is a couple years younger than DS and went to the same elementary school. He struggles a lot -- iv abx, hospitalizations.... I was extremely concerned because at the time ds and this other child, while they didn't have classes, recess or lunch together, still had to go to the office for their enzymes. DS knew to keep his distance, but I worried about proper hand washing by office staff, plus the other child wasn't so inclined to maintain that 3-6' bubble. So I'd spoken at length with DS' doctors about my concerns after reading the article.


New member
Thanks for sharing as mentioned many times I was diagnosed with MAC late 90's I was a big gardener at the time vegetables - flowers - and the water on Long Island NY is terrible many minerals and who knows what else - best when you want to take a bath and the water comes out brown? But it's safe ???? just let it run ?? Who knows all I know MAC destroyed my right lung completelely collapsed the left carrying me well all this time. But so short of breath lately. I also know of 2 people without CF that have tested postive and had lower lobes removed. So far they are doing ok.