Assistance Programs


New member
The social worker at the CF clinic wasnt very helpful in my opinion. I tried asking if attempting to get SSI was a good idea and she just blew off my question. I asked about housing assistance and she handed me a flyer for section 8. Of course all of this happened in the same day that I was told that my daughter had cf, so that was a little more than I could digest all at once. I havent really gotten a chance to speak with the social worker since then.


New member
We have wic, and food stamps which are a blessing because otherwise we would not have any money for food. All of the money i make goes toward rent, my car payment, car insurance, and gas, diapers, etc.... and i dont even have enough to cover all of those things.I have searched for every kind of job I can possibly think of with no results as of yet. And so has my husband. We have gone to churches asking for assistance in finding jobs and they have brushed us aside as well. I dont know what to do. I feel like the world is just telling us to go jump off a cliff.


New member
We have wic, and food stamps which are a blessing because otherwise we would not have any money for food. All of the money i make goes toward rent, my car payment, car insurance, and gas, diapers, etc.... and i dont even have enough to cover all of those things.I have searched for every kind of job I can possibly think of with no results as of yet. And so has my husband. We have gone to churches asking for assistance in finding jobs and they have brushed us aside as well. I dont know what to do. I feel like the world is just telling us to go jump off a cliff.


New member
We have wic, and food stamps which are a blessing because otherwise we would not have any money for food. All of the money i make goes toward rent, my car payment, car insurance, and gas, diapers, etc.... and i dont even have enough to cover all of those things.I have searched for every kind of job I can possibly think of with no results as of yet. And so has my husband. We have gone to churches asking for assistance in finding jobs and they have brushed us aside as well. I dont know what to do. I feel like the world is just telling us to go jump off a cliff.


New member
I may be incorrect, but if your daughter does not have any functional limitations at this time, then I do not think SSI is the correct assistance to be seeking.


New member
I may be incorrect, but if your daughter does not have any functional limitations at this time, then I do not think SSI is the correct assistance to be seeking.


New member
I may be incorrect, but if your daughter does not have any functional limitations at this time, then I do not think SSI is the correct assistance to be seeking.
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New member
Cystic Fibrosis Patient Assistance Foundation has helped me out a ton w/ my co-pays...they cover 100% of my copays for Pulmozyme & HyerSal. I'm not on any enzymes, so I'm not sure if they cover those or not.

As mentioned above, TOBI also has an assitance program to where my copay (which was $150/mo) is now $10. I recently switched to Cayston, which also has assitance through Gilead, if you are on Cayston.

I would recommend applying for CFPAF...they have been very helpful.


New member
Cystic Fibrosis Patient Assistance Foundation has helped me out a ton w/ my co-pays...they cover 100% of my copays for Pulmozyme & HyerSal. I'm not on any enzymes, so I'm not sure if they cover those or not.

As mentioned above, TOBI also has an assitance program to where my copay (which was $150/mo) is now $10. I recently switched to Cayston, which also has assitance through Gilead, if you are on Cayston.

I would recommend applying for CFPAF...they have been very helpful.


New member
Cystic Fibrosis Patient Assistance Foundation has helped me out a ton w/ my co-pays...they cover 100% of my copays for Pulmozyme & HyerSal. I'm not on any enzymes, so I'm not sure if they cover those or not.
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<br />As mentioned above, TOBI also has an assitance program to where my copay (which was $150/mo) is now $10. I recently switched to Cayston, which also has assitance through Gilead, if you are on Cayston.
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<br />I would recommend applying for CFPAF...they have been very helpful.


If you are medicaid isn't all the meds and dr appts covered? I am not sure what type of program you are looking for. Have you tired the Health and Human services Dept? They can try and help you and your husband find employment somewhere. In my state they sometimes will help you find an apartment that is regulated by your income. Graycie qualified for SSI due to her CF, but she is a severe case and the Human resourse and her drs helped with that paperwork when she was in the hospital the first 6mos of her life. It goes by their income and they submit it every month according to their income for that month. Are you in school now? I may need to go back and read your previous post so I know exactly what you are saying. Sorry can't be more help.


If you are medicaid isn't all the meds and dr appts covered? I am not sure what type of program you are looking for. Have you tired the Health and Human services Dept? They can try and help you and your husband find employment somewhere. In my state they sometimes will help you find an apartment that is regulated by your income. Graycie qualified for SSI due to her CF, but she is a severe case and the Human resourse and her drs helped with that paperwork when she was in the hospital the first 6mos of her life. It goes by their income and they submit it every month according to their income for that month. Are you in school now? I may need to go back and read your previous post so I know exactly what you are saying. Sorry can't be more help.


If you are medicaid isn't all the meds and dr appts covered? I am not sure what type of program you are looking for. Have you tired the Health and Human services Dept? They can try and help you and your husband find employment somewhere. In my state they sometimes will help you find an apartment that is regulated by your income. Graycie qualified for SSI due to her CF, but she is a severe case and the Human resourse and her drs helped with that paperwork when she was in the hospital the first 6mos of her life. It goes by their income and they submit it every month according to their income for that month. Are you in school now? I may need to go back and read your previous post so I know exactly what you are saying. Sorry can't be more help.