New member
I've never been diagnosed with asthma, but alot of times my chest will feel really tight and I will start coughing uncontrollably. I don't cough anything up during these "episodes" This usually happens when I exercise or if I go outside and it's really cold. It also happens when I get too hot. My brother is the same way. I took Singulair for a while and I felt pretty good while I was taking it. My FEV1 didn't improve, but I didn't have all that chest tightness. Currently I'm doing a clincial trial for Arikace (Amikacin for inhaltion), therefore I go to clinic 1 to 2 times a week and do PFTs a couple times each day. They stay pretty much the same, except for once last week, FEV1 was at 69% compared to 64% normally, and on that particular day, I did an extra albuterol the night before. My CF doc was looking at them and said some of the results showed I had restriction. I'm just wondering if it's possible that I also have asthma and if there's any correlation between asthma & cf?