Asthma or pneumonia???


New member
This is all new to us in that my 7 year old son was recently diagnosed with CF (Feb of this year). I posted a few days ago about my son having pain in his lower left lung and back when doing his vest. I took him to his ped on Friday and they ran PFT's. His FVC went from 103% to 89% and his FEV! from 105% to 83%. Also his 25-75 dropped from 105% to 65%. He has had some symptoms (for him) of pneumonia such as nausea, pain and achy body. He has also been short of breath. He has had 4 pneumonias from Feb to late April of this year. On Fiday his doctor added (we stopped it in June) Symbacort 160 and xopenex every 4 hours. He was not much better yesterday or last night, but seems much better today. Does this sound like asthma or another infection coming on? Would symbacort and xopenex help if it an infection?
Any input would be really appreciated.


Where in PA? Private message if you want with the up and down with heat humidy in and out I've had a hard time. I'm in berks county, PA. And I attribute it the consant change in the weather (pardon my spelling I'm on my phone)


Sounds like an infection to me, but sometimes a virus or even a bacterial flare gets worked out on its own with the immune system and tons of mucus clearance.

Asthma can cause the SOB and a plug can cause the pain in the lobe/chest, but achy body says infection to me. I hope the feeling better persists. Can you check his PFTs (peak flow at least) at home? (I personally handle the summer viruses my kids bring home from camp and the pool much better than the winter ones, which always escalate into bacterial flare-ups.)


I would think more along the line of pneoumonia or infection. My daughter and I both have asthma with her having the cf. To rule it out ask for a chest xray. That would give you the answer. He should have gotten some relief from the asthma meds.


Did they take an X-ray?? My son's pfts can remain in the 90's and the doctors say he sounds clear, but yet he has pneumonia and needs IV's. Even if the doctor doesn't think it is necessary, I would request an X-ray.


New member
They should do an xray to see if there is a sure sounds like it could be if he has the achiness, etc.. How is his sputum? Has it changed in any way? Also, if he has fevers then it would definitely sound more to me like an infection than asthma, but infection can also make existing asthmatic symptoms worse. I hope your son feels better soon, sounds like he has had a rough time.

Jenn 40 wCF


New member
Thank you to everyone who posted. His PFT's rose back up over 100%. Apparently, he had a mucus plug that he passed over the weekend. He had one day where he coughed quite a bit. That and the vest must have done it.