At what age did your kiddos start culturing bad stuff!!


Super Moderator
Well you said you still didn't believe a child of 2 months had a lung transplant. That article is pretty old but had a 3 month old child having a lung transplant.


New member
Yes of course. I still think it is unlikely that a child of two months with cf had a lung transplant, have never read anything about it, and I think it would have been big news. Perhaps there is some confusion with the ten year old who had two lung transplants. Just a thought.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 7 (watched since he was 6). He has only cultured h. influ, staph (for the past year or so) and strep. The h. influ was the first 6 months, went away, and then was back after a year or so. Not sure if it will be there in Sept or not. He has not made it 3 months without an antibiotic since he was diagnosed. Seems to be on one every 4 to 8 weeks. Has some small airway issues that flare up (bronchospasms and drops in 25/75) whenever he gets anything.


New member
I was diagnosed at birth (30 now) and my parents never restricted our activities. We swam in lakes, dug in the mud, roasted marshmallows, went camping, did every sport. We ate very well (fruits, veggies, etc from the start). We were born at a time when nebs and vests weren't pushed so hard at birth. I didn't start a neb until middle school/high school and didn't culture pseudo until high school/college. I'm so grateful that my parents approached our lives this way -- I never felt different because of my CF.


New member
however, I should say that if we were culturing scary things or having lots of lung involvement they may have scaled back our activities -- I don't know. So there is no judgement on parents who have embraced a more cautious approach. You have to do as your feel led.


New member
@jmiller1- thanks so much. I just haven't figured out whether all newborns and babies are healthy or we are extremely lucky....... Knock on wood. We have had zero issues so far and Rowan will be celebrating her first birthday in a few weeks. Literally. ZERO , we came home from the hospital day after she was born and we have two other toddlers at home w/o cf so we go to the play place @ McDonald's, church, malls you name it , we go there