For my son, the severe coughing fit was basically coughing every 15 seconds or so. This would go on for a few hours and then would go away for a few hours. It just got to the point that I knew it had to stop. The only thing left was to take him to the hospital for IV's since he sounded clear when the dr listened to him. He had been on oral and inhaled antibiotics for almost two weeks at point. He also had no fever and had tons of energy. Just cough, cough, cough. Even after I brought him in and he was started on IV's (thankfully the dr trusted my instincts to know my son was pretty sick) he didn't cough much at all. The dr there and nurses said he was fine. But the x-ray showed the Atelectasis. Getting an x-ray done to make sure everything is okay is the best way to go if you are at all concerned. Hope Parker feels better soon.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack 4 both with cf