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I know from reading on this forum that the topic Atypical Cystic Fibrosis seems to upset some people and my question is why? I read some posts saying that there is no such thing and that the people who say they are diagnosed with it are told that they need to go to an accredited CF Clinic and they are claiming to be Atypical because they don't want to admit they have it. Well my concern is that the negative response to people who say they have it is putting false information out there by saying there is no such thing as this. I think more people should educate themselves about it not only the community but also our doctors because in our case if our doctors would have know what to look for in the Atypical CF diagnosis my son would have been saved years of doctors not knowing what was going on with him.
Luke is 9 years old and we have battled for years with ENT division. When he was 3 weeks old he had pyloric stenosis surgery and had severe reflux for his first year of life. He also had his first sinus infection at 2 months along with ear infection. To make a long story short he has had 9 sets of tubes, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy twice a constant cough, ear glue and congestion his entire life, sinus cysts, polyps in his nose and been on 43 courses of antibiotics since birth. And no matter what doctor we would see no one could figure out what was wrong. Finally the chief of ENT at Pittsburgh's Children Hospital referred us for a sweat test "to rule out CF" cause of the findings of the sinus cysts.
With in 3 hours our life changed he had a 45 and 64 and we were at the CF Clinic the next day. They had him repeat it cause of the borderline result and they came back 64 and 68. His full genetics testing came back with ALL unidentified mutations which was baffling to all of the doctors. He is pancreatic sufficient at this time although he does get constipated and has a large appetite without gaining weight. He has always been in the 10% for weight and height.
It is also uncommon for CF patients to have Tubes in their ears. (because of that ent always ruled out the possibility of CF) His PFT are always 98%. Although he was just admitted to Children's 1 month ago for his first case of pneumonia. While admitted the hospital ER refused to treat him as a CF patient because his chart said possible CF. They kept telling me he had asthma which mad me so angry cause I know he does not have asthma but of course they acted like they heard me but upon discharge the discharge papers said he had asthma.
Well because of all the conflict in his diagnosis we were sent to JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL on Monday. And Luke was diagnosis with ATYPICAL CYSTIC FIBROSIS actually it is called typical atypical cf which is not the same as CFTR.
He has CF there is no question about that it is just he has different symptoms then typical CF. And yes he is still treated like any other cf patient vest, inhaler, vitamins nose sprays and regular CF appointments. It is sad that people and physicians do not even know about atypical cf cause from what our doctor said on monday there are so many people out there struggling with there health and are sent from doctor to doctor with no one able to help because they do not show typical signs of cf.
Luke is 9 years old and we have battled for years with ENT division. When he was 3 weeks old he had pyloric stenosis surgery and had severe reflux for his first year of life. He also had his first sinus infection at 2 months along with ear infection. To make a long story short he has had 9 sets of tubes, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy twice a constant cough, ear glue and congestion his entire life, sinus cysts, polyps in his nose and been on 43 courses of antibiotics since birth. And no matter what doctor we would see no one could figure out what was wrong. Finally the chief of ENT at Pittsburgh's Children Hospital referred us for a sweat test "to rule out CF" cause of the findings of the sinus cysts.
With in 3 hours our life changed he had a 45 and 64 and we were at the CF Clinic the next day. They had him repeat it cause of the borderline result and they came back 64 and 68. His full genetics testing came back with ALL unidentified mutations which was baffling to all of the doctors. He is pancreatic sufficient at this time although he does get constipated and has a large appetite without gaining weight. He has always been in the 10% for weight and height.
It is also uncommon for CF patients to have Tubes in their ears. (because of that ent always ruled out the possibility of CF) His PFT are always 98%. Although he was just admitted to Children's 1 month ago for his first case of pneumonia. While admitted the hospital ER refused to treat him as a CF patient because his chart said possible CF. They kept telling me he had asthma which mad me so angry cause I know he does not have asthma but of course they acted like they heard me but upon discharge the discharge papers said he had asthma.
Well because of all the conflict in his diagnosis we were sent to JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL on Monday. And Luke was diagnosis with ATYPICAL CYSTIC FIBROSIS actually it is called typical atypical cf which is not the same as CFTR.
He has CF there is no question about that it is just he has different symptoms then typical CF. And yes he is still treated like any other cf patient vest, inhaler, vitamins nose sprays and regular CF appointments. It is sad that people and physicians do not even know about atypical cf cause from what our doctor said on monday there are so many people out there struggling with there health and are sent from doctor to doctor with no one able to help because they do not show typical signs of cf.