Awareness Bracelets in Canada??


New member
does anyone know where i can purchase these bracelets but i live in canada and i cant do it off the site because u have to be american. I want the blue ones that say BREATH on it so pleaseeeeeeeee can someone help me out.
Thanks a lot.
Ashley 20 f w/cf


New member
No blue isn't for lung tx only. I was given one at my last appointment. Handed it over to Mike and he wears both the purple and blue ones now.


New member
I am also looking for some bracelets in Canada (I think we may have met in the past at a family day conference in Mtl). I saw the child life specialist at the Children's with one on but I think she got it at the National Conference. You may want to check with the CF team and see. I am going to wait until our next clinic visit to ask and then I will post any info then.


New member
I don't have any but maybe someone here can send you one? I know you can order the purple from milan foundation. Take care.


New member
Hi Ashley. I have one left and would br glad to mail it to you. Its an adult size and these bracelets did run kinda big. I wear mine everyday and have given out the rest. (except for one). You can email me your address and I will mail it to you. My email is......

Angie (stepmom to 10 yr old girl w/ CF/CFRD)