more "Chuck Norris"!



Thought I'd share more photos of my "transformation" to shave the beard. I got tired of it cause it felt odd after a while. Couldn't drink a glass of milk without it getting caught in my beard!
Because I set up a studio to take the shots myself, it may look more like mug shots!
Anyway, enjoy!


New member more "Chuck Norris

Hey Fred, so you took the big plunge. Congratulations! I think it was a wise choice. It was a little freaky looking at the progression through the photos (and you might want to switch number 6 with 7 as they are out of order). How about one photo with a big smile. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

How does your wife like the new you?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member more "Chuck Norris

I agree, you need a big huge smile one on there! I for one, think you look good. Seems like a big step to me. I remember my dad shaving off his beard and mustache one year, my mom made the biggest deal abut it.

Thanks for sharing the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member more "Chuck Norris

Milk and stuff is supposed to get stuck in your beard, so you can save it for later.

How goes the job hunt?


New member more "Chuck Norris

lol, that's nasty jarod <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member more "Chuck Norris

PS--Happy Belated birthday Fred ole man! <img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"> Hope it was a good one, lots of saki and such...<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0">


Guest more "Chuck Norris

Leaving the milk on, would show the grey real good!
I forgot to add numbers to the photos so they would go in chronological order. I guess I could edit and rename them for everyone's entertainment!
I'll even add a new one (With a Smile--I guess you ladies can't resist a guy with dimples!) after I got my haircut a few days ago.
I hadn't shaved since then, so maybe round two is at hand...
Thanks for the belated, Terri!
As for the job hunt, I'm gonna need a bigger gun! Since the wife wanted me to relax for a few months, I hadn't been going 100% on the job hunt, and am a bit in a bind, anyway...can't decide where I want to work, anyway.
I also want to further my education...get a Bachelors in I.T. or go for my BSET (Bachelors of Science in Engineering Technology), because I was only able to get an Associates, with intentions to further it, but Sh*t happens, and I wasn't able to. I'd like to attend an Online course, but only if they are able to accept my credits for the classes I took in the other colleges I went to. I actually went to a University for my Japanese Studies, but that also was a "S. Happens" result.
I'd probably be stuck with I.T., because there is Lab Time necessary for a BSET, I'm sure.
It was suggest that instead of me applying to places looking for employment, to apply to place I want to work at, but that's gotta be a long shot.


New member more "Chuck Norris

Hey Mockingbird,

That's pretty darn good!

Love the frog too!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


Guest more "Chuck Norris

Jarod, that was my first thought, but didn't know how to do it.
I thought that using a slide show function would get them together, but then pasting it was another problem. Could you explain how you did that???
Love the Frog, too!


New member more "Chuck Norris

I used a gif animator program, like these ones----><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

I have the cheap 3.0 version. =-)


New member more "Chuck Norris

Hey Fred you realise now that you have to shave everyday now. Unless you are like me, I read that the average man shaves 24 times a month, I'm lucky if I shave 24 times a year.
My work have given up on telling me to shave, before they realise i need a shave its almost of beard proportions and I get away with it.



New member more "Chuck Norris

I think it's great. You look way younger! I ilke the way in Mockingbirds animation your t-shirt collar is moving all around...kind of funny....