Babies everywhere!!!


New member
First I want to apologize in advance for sounding like a downer about all of this. I just need to get it out in the open to people that might be able to relate.

Trent and I have jumped through all the hoops. We've seen the doctors we know what we need to do to have a baby, we just know that right now we can't. It has been decided that we will start with IUI from a donor and give that a good honest attempt. If that doesn't work we will see how we are emotionally and financially and go from there.

So why is it that everywhere I turn there is someone pregnant? My best friend is pregnant and due on MY BIRTHDAY! Another friend is pregnant and due 2 weeks after my birthday. Then the icing was put on the cake today. Trent's 16 year old cousin called and she is pregnant. This one really chaps my hide. She's cried rape on 3 guys before this and tries to play this innocent holy pure girl that would never have sex at such a young age. Only I saw right through all that crap and predicted to Trents mother that she would be pregnant before she graduated high school. Um, she's 6 weeks in to her JUNIOR year in HS. I know that everything happens for a reason. I know that everything will work out for Trent and I and that we will get our baby in do time. But right now I'd kind of like to enjoy a pity party for myself. And I'm inviting all of you women who see pregnant people everywhere you go when all you want is to be pregnant too!!!

Again, I'm sorry. I just needed to get it out!


New member
First I want to apologize in advance for sounding like a downer about all of this. I just need to get it out in the open to people that might be able to relate.

Trent and I have jumped through all the hoops. We've seen the doctors we know what we need to do to have a baby, we just know that right now we can't. It has been decided that we will start with IUI from a donor and give that a good honest attempt. If that doesn't work we will see how we are emotionally and financially and go from there.

So why is it that everywhere I turn there is someone pregnant? My best friend is pregnant and due on MY BIRTHDAY! Another friend is pregnant and due 2 weeks after my birthday. Then the icing was put on the cake today. Trent's 16 year old cousin called and she is pregnant. This one really chaps my hide. She's cried rape on 3 guys before this and tries to play this innocent holy pure girl that would never have sex at such a young age. Only I saw right through all that crap and predicted to Trents mother that she would be pregnant before she graduated high school. Um, she's 6 weeks in to her JUNIOR year in HS. I know that everything happens for a reason. I know that everything will work out for Trent and I and that we will get our baby in do time. But right now I'd kind of like to enjoy a pity party for myself. And I'm inviting all of you women who see pregnant people everywhere you go when all you want is to be pregnant too!!!

Again, I'm sorry. I just needed to get it out!


New member
First I want to apologize in advance for sounding like a downer about all of this. I just need to get it out in the open to people that might be able to relate.

Trent and I have jumped through all the hoops. We've seen the doctors we know what we need to do to have a baby, we just know that right now we can't. It has been decided that we will start with IUI from a donor and give that a good honest attempt. If that doesn't work we will see how we are emotionally and financially and go from there.

So why is it that everywhere I turn there is someone pregnant? My best friend is pregnant and due on MY BIRTHDAY! Another friend is pregnant and due 2 weeks after my birthday. Then the icing was put on the cake today. Trent's 16 year old cousin called and she is pregnant. This one really chaps my hide. She's cried rape on 3 guys before this and tries to play this innocent holy pure girl that would never have sex at such a young age. Only I saw right through all that crap and predicted to Trents mother that she would be pregnant before she graduated high school. Um, she's 6 weeks in to her JUNIOR year in HS. I know that everything happens for a reason. I know that everything will work out for Trent and I and that we will get our baby in do time. But right now I'd kind of like to enjoy a pity party for myself. And I'm inviting all of you women who see pregnant people everywhere you go when all you want is to be pregnant too!!!

Again, I'm sorry. I just needed to get it out!


New member
First I want to apologize in advance for sounding like a downer about all of this. I just need to get it out in the open to people that might be able to relate.

Trent and I have jumped through all the hoops. We've seen the doctors we know what we need to do to have a baby, we just know that right now we can't. It has been decided that we will start with IUI from a donor and give that a good honest attempt. If that doesn't work we will see how we are emotionally and financially and go from there.

So why is it that everywhere I turn there is someone pregnant? My best friend is pregnant and due on MY BIRTHDAY! Another friend is pregnant and due 2 weeks after my birthday. Then the icing was put on the cake today. Trent's 16 year old cousin called and she is pregnant. This one really chaps my hide. She's cried rape on 3 guys before this and tries to play this innocent holy pure girl that would never have sex at such a young age. Only I saw right through all that crap and predicted to Trents mother that she would be pregnant before she graduated high school. Um, she's 6 weeks in to her JUNIOR year in HS. I know that everything happens for a reason. I know that everything will work out for Trent and I and that we will get our baby in do time. But right now I'd kind of like to enjoy a pity party for myself. And I'm inviting all of you women who see pregnant people everywhere you go when all you want is to be pregnant too!!!

Again, I'm sorry. I just needed to get it out!


New member
First I want to apologize in advance for sounding like a downer about all of this. I just need to get it out in the open to people that might be able to relate.
<br />
<br />Trent and I have jumped through all the hoops. We've seen the doctors we know what we need to do to have a baby, we just know that right now we can't. It has been decided that we will start with IUI from a donor and give that a good honest attempt. If that doesn't work we will see how we are emotionally and financially and go from there.
<br />
<br />So why is it that everywhere I turn there is someone pregnant? My best friend is pregnant and due on MY BIRTHDAY! Another friend is pregnant and due 2 weeks after my birthday. Then the icing was put on the cake today. Trent's 16 year old cousin called and she is pregnant. This one really chaps my hide. She's cried rape on 3 guys before this and tries to play this innocent holy pure girl that would never have sex at such a young age. Only I saw right through all that crap and predicted to Trents mother that she would be pregnant before she graduated high school. Um, she's 6 weeks in to her JUNIOR year in HS. I know that everything happens for a reason. I know that everything will work out for Trent and I and that we will get our baby in do time. But right now I'd kind of like to enjoy a pity party for myself. And I'm inviting all of you women who see pregnant people everywhere you go when all you want is to be pregnant too!!!
<br />
<br />Again, I'm sorry. I just needed to get it out!


New member
I can totally sympathize with you. When we were on our 2nd IUI when my jail bird cousin and his girlfriend announced that they were pregnant. That was a year ago, now she's pregnant again. Half the time she leaves the kid she has now with other people so she can go out, and can't keep a job to save her life. And its so easy for them to keep getting pregnant! Plus all my friends are at the age when there all having kids and there biggest concern is what social event is coming up and do they want to be able to have drinks at it or not. And if that wasn't enough, I have a friend that got pregnant on THE PILL!!!! Thats like a 1% chance!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! LOL.
Our lives and all the decisions we have to make are more complicated and always will be. But what kinda makes me feel better when we do get our baby we'll have a different appreciation for it and what we went through to get it. I'm not saying people that have no problems getting pregnant don't appreciate it, but its def. a different kind of appreciation, you know? My sister-in-law just had a baby this morning. And I know she loves that little guy more than life itself. But I can't be for sure if she has the same appreciation I would, if I just had my own.
Anyways, had to squeeze that one in there! I am so stoked about being an Aunt and can't wait to hold and squeeze that lil' guy!!

Hope this helps, your not alone in your frustrations. =)

And for others reading this that don't have fertility problems, I don't want you to think that I devalue your appreciation for your children. I def. DO NOT. But unless your going through tough times with TTC (using my new abrev. I learned today!!) you just don't really know what its like. And be thankful for that! I don't wish it on anyone...its heartbreaking at times.


New member
I can totally sympathize with you. When we were on our 2nd IUI when my jail bird cousin and his girlfriend announced that they were pregnant. That was a year ago, now she's pregnant again. Half the time she leaves the kid she has now with other people so she can go out, and can't keep a job to save her life. And its so easy for them to keep getting pregnant! Plus all my friends are at the age when there all having kids and there biggest concern is what social event is coming up and do they want to be able to have drinks at it or not. And if that wasn't enough, I have a friend that got pregnant on THE PILL!!!! Thats like a 1% chance!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! LOL.
Our lives and all the decisions we have to make are more complicated and always will be. But what kinda makes me feel better when we do get our baby we'll have a different appreciation for it and what we went through to get it. I'm not saying people that have no problems getting pregnant don't appreciate it, but its def. a different kind of appreciation, you know? My sister-in-law just had a baby this morning. And I know she loves that little guy more than life itself. But I can't be for sure if she has the same appreciation I would, if I just had my own.
Anyways, had to squeeze that one in there! I am so stoked about being an Aunt and can't wait to hold and squeeze that lil' guy!!

Hope this helps, your not alone in your frustrations. =)

And for others reading this that don't have fertility problems, I don't want you to think that I devalue your appreciation for your children. I def. DO NOT. But unless your going through tough times with TTC (using my new abrev. I learned today!!) you just don't really know what its like. And be thankful for that! I don't wish it on anyone...its heartbreaking at times.


New member
I can totally sympathize with you. When we were on our 2nd IUI when my jail bird cousin and his girlfriend announced that they were pregnant. That was a year ago, now she's pregnant again. Half the time she leaves the kid she has now with other people so she can go out, and can't keep a job to save her life. And its so easy for them to keep getting pregnant! Plus all my friends are at the age when there all having kids and there biggest concern is what social event is coming up and do they want to be able to have drinks at it or not. And if that wasn't enough, I have a friend that got pregnant on THE PILL!!!! Thats like a 1% chance!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! LOL.
Our lives and all the decisions we have to make are more complicated and always will be. But what kinda makes me feel better when we do get our baby we'll have a different appreciation for it and what we went through to get it. I'm not saying people that have no problems getting pregnant don't appreciate it, but its def. a different kind of appreciation, you know? My sister-in-law just had a baby this morning. And I know she loves that little guy more than life itself. But I can't be for sure if she has the same appreciation I would, if I just had my own.
Anyways, had to squeeze that one in there! I am so stoked about being an Aunt and can't wait to hold and squeeze that lil' guy!!

Hope this helps, your not alone in your frustrations. =)

And for others reading this that don't have fertility problems, I don't want you to think that I devalue your appreciation for your children. I def. DO NOT. But unless your going through tough times with TTC (using my new abrev. I learned today!!) you just don't really know what its like. And be thankful for that! I don't wish it on anyone...its heartbreaking at times.


New member
I can totally sympathize with you. When we were on our 2nd IUI when my jail bird cousin and his girlfriend announced that they were pregnant. That was a year ago, now she's pregnant again. Half the time she leaves the kid she has now with other people so she can go out, and can't keep a job to save her life. And its so easy for them to keep getting pregnant! Plus all my friends are at the age when there all having kids and there biggest concern is what social event is coming up and do they want to be able to have drinks at it or not. And if that wasn't enough, I have a friend that got pregnant on THE PILL!!!! Thats like a 1% chance!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! LOL.
Our lives and all the decisions we have to make are more complicated and always will be. But what kinda makes me feel better when we do get our baby we'll have a different appreciation for it and what we went through to get it. I'm not saying people that have no problems getting pregnant don't appreciate it, but its def. a different kind of appreciation, you know? My sister-in-law just had a baby this morning. And I know she loves that little guy more than life itself. But I can't be for sure if she has the same appreciation I would, if I just had my own.
Anyways, had to squeeze that one in there! I am so stoked about being an Aunt and can't wait to hold and squeeze that lil' guy!!

Hope this helps, your not alone in your frustrations. =)

And for others reading this that don't have fertility problems, I don't want you to think that I devalue your appreciation for your children. I def. DO NOT. But unless your going through tough times with TTC (using my new abrev. I learned today!!) you just don't really know what its like. And be thankful for that! I don't wish it on anyone...its heartbreaking at times.


New member
<br />I can totally sympathize with you. When we were on our 2nd IUI when my jail bird cousin and his girlfriend announced that they were pregnant. That was a year ago, now she's pregnant again. Half the time she leaves the kid she has now with other people so she can go out, and can't keep a job to save her life. And its so easy for them to keep getting pregnant! Plus all my friends are at the age when there all having kids and there biggest concern is what social event is coming up and do they want to be able to have drinks at it or not. And if that wasn't enough, I have a friend that got pregnant on THE PILL!!!! Thats like a 1% chance!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! LOL.
<br />Our lives and all the decisions we have to make are more complicated and always will be. But what kinda makes me feel better when we do get our baby we'll have a different appreciation for it and what we went through to get it. I'm not saying people that have no problems getting pregnant don't appreciate it, but its def. a different kind of appreciation, you know? My sister-in-law just had a baby this morning. And I know she loves that little guy more than life itself. But I can't be for sure if she has the same appreciation I would, if I just had my own.
<br />Anyways, had to squeeze that one in there! I am so stoked about being an Aunt and can't wait to hold and squeeze that lil' guy!!
<br />
<br />
<br />Hope this helps, your not alone in your frustrations. =)
<br />
<br />And for others reading this that don't have fertility problems, I don't want you to think that I devalue your appreciation for your children. I def. DO NOT. But unless your going through tough times with TTC (using my new abrev. I learned today!!) you just don't really know what its like. And be thankful for that! I don't wish it on anyone...its heartbreaking at times.


New member
Hi Nicole,
I can totally empathize with your situation. I'm 30 years old with cf, unmarried, and currently in the start of a relationship (unsure where it is going). I have some friends who are single without kids and have some friends who are either pregnant or have kids already. It just seems that as the time goes on, more and more of the single girls are getting engaged and entering that next stage in life.

I get frustrated with not being where I want to be myself, which is being a MOM. I have wanted to be a mom since I turned 22 and started in the Peds ICU as a nurse. I thought at that point, "Great, now I am done with college, living downtown Chicago on my own and have a great job. Now I am ready for the perfect guy, get married, and have babies." Needless to say, it's 8 years later and I am not any closer to that.

To top it off, my sister is married and will have her baby in 8 weeks. She's FIVE years YOUNGER than me and that's been a source of jealousy for me. I'm the older sister so I figured I would at least be married and have a kid on the way before she would.

I have no great advice for you... Just know that there are others who are in your same predicament. I want to be a mom now and feel sad that I am not there just yet.

Please feel free to vent anytime on here... It helps to let it out sometime so you can "act" happy for your friends. I have to "act" happy for my sister and family some days because I am too sad inside to truly be happy right now for her. Granted, I am happy she is getting her dreams fulfilled, but not happy that my dreams are the ones being fulfilled.

Eventually I'll get over it... I hope :) I am excited to be an aunt... but I want one of my own too...

Thanks for sharing your story.

30 year old cf, cfrd


New member
Hi Nicole,
I can totally empathize with your situation. I'm 30 years old with cf, unmarried, and currently in the start of a relationship (unsure where it is going). I have some friends who are single without kids and have some friends who are either pregnant or have kids already. It just seems that as the time goes on, more and more of the single girls are getting engaged and entering that next stage in life.

I get frustrated with not being where I want to be myself, which is being a MOM. I have wanted to be a mom since I turned 22 and started in the Peds ICU as a nurse. I thought at that point, "Great, now I am done with college, living downtown Chicago on my own and have a great job. Now I am ready for the perfect guy, get married, and have babies." Needless to say, it's 8 years later and I am not any closer to that.

To top it off, my sister is married and will have her baby in 8 weeks. She's FIVE years YOUNGER than me and that's been a source of jealousy for me. I'm the older sister so I figured I would at least be married and have a kid on the way before she would.

I have no great advice for you... Just know that there are others who are in your same predicament. I want to be a mom now and feel sad that I am not there just yet.

Please feel free to vent anytime on here... It helps to let it out sometime so you can "act" happy for your friends. I have to "act" happy for my sister and family some days because I am too sad inside to truly be happy right now for her. Granted, I am happy she is getting her dreams fulfilled, but not happy that my dreams are the ones being fulfilled.

Eventually I'll get over it... I hope :) I am excited to be an aunt... but I want one of my own too...

Thanks for sharing your story.

30 year old cf, cfrd


New member
Hi Nicole,
I can totally empathize with your situation. I'm 30 years old with cf, unmarried, and currently in the start of a relationship (unsure where it is going). I have some friends who are single without kids and have some friends who are either pregnant or have kids already. It just seems that as the time goes on, more and more of the single girls are getting engaged and entering that next stage in life.

I get frustrated with not being where I want to be myself, which is being a MOM. I have wanted to be a mom since I turned 22 and started in the Peds ICU as a nurse. I thought at that point, "Great, now I am done with college, living downtown Chicago on my own and have a great job. Now I am ready for the perfect guy, get married, and have babies." Needless to say, it's 8 years later and I am not any closer to that.

To top it off, my sister is married and will have her baby in 8 weeks. She's FIVE years YOUNGER than me and that's been a source of jealousy for me. I'm the older sister so I figured I would at least be married and have a kid on the way before she would.

I have no great advice for you... Just know that there are others who are in your same predicament. I want to be a mom now and feel sad that I am not there just yet.

Please feel free to vent anytime on here... It helps to let it out sometime so you can "act" happy for your friends. I have to "act" happy for my sister and family some days because I am too sad inside to truly be happy right now for her. Granted, I am happy she is getting her dreams fulfilled, but not happy that my dreams are the ones being fulfilled.

Eventually I'll get over it... I hope :) I am excited to be an aunt... but I want one of my own too...

Thanks for sharing your story.

30 year old cf, cfrd


New member
Hi Nicole,
I can totally empathize with your situation. I'm 30 years old with cf, unmarried, and currently in the start of a relationship (unsure where it is going). I have some friends who are single without kids and have some friends who are either pregnant or have kids already. It just seems that as the time goes on, more and more of the single girls are getting engaged and entering that next stage in life.

I get frustrated with not being where I want to be myself, which is being a MOM. I have wanted to be a mom since I turned 22 and started in the Peds ICU as a nurse. I thought at that point, "Great, now I am done with college, living downtown Chicago on my own and have a great job. Now I am ready for the perfect guy, get married, and have babies." Needless to say, it's 8 years later and I am not any closer to that.

To top it off, my sister is married and will have her baby in 8 weeks. She's FIVE years YOUNGER than me and that's been a source of jealousy for me. I'm the older sister so I figured I would at least be married and have a kid on the way before she would.

I have no great advice for you... Just know that there are others who are in your same predicament. I want to be a mom now and feel sad that I am not there just yet.

Please feel free to vent anytime on here... It helps to let it out sometime so you can "act" happy for your friends. I have to "act" happy for my sister and family some days because I am too sad inside to truly be happy right now for her. Granted, I am happy she is getting her dreams fulfilled, but not happy that my dreams are the ones being fulfilled.

Eventually I'll get over it... I hope :) I am excited to be an aunt... but I want one of my own too...

Thanks for sharing your story.

30 year old cf, cfrd


New member
Hi Nicole,
<br />I can totally empathize with your situation. I'm 30 years old with cf, unmarried, and currently in the start of a relationship (unsure where it is going). I have some friends who are single without kids and have some friends who are either pregnant or have kids already. It just seems that as the time goes on, more and more of the single girls are getting engaged and entering that next stage in life.
<br />
<br />I get frustrated with not being where I want to be myself, which is being a MOM. I have wanted to be a mom since I turned 22 and started in the Peds ICU as a nurse. I thought at that point, "Great, now I am done with college, living downtown Chicago on my own and have a great job. Now I am ready for the perfect guy, get married, and have babies." Needless to say, it's 8 years later and I am not any closer to that.
<br />
<br />To top it off, my sister is married and will have her baby in 8 weeks. She's FIVE years YOUNGER than me and that's been a source of jealousy for me. I'm the older sister so I figured I would at least be married and have a kid on the way before she would.
<br />
<br />I have no great advice for you... Just know that there are others who are in your same predicament. I want to be a mom now and feel sad that I am not there just yet.
<br />
<br />Please feel free to vent anytime on here... It helps to let it out sometime so you can "act" happy for your friends. I have to "act" happy for my sister and family some days because I am too sad inside to truly be happy right now for her. Granted, I am happy she is getting her dreams fulfilled, but not happy that my dreams are the ones being fulfilled.
<br />
<br />Eventually I'll get over it... I hope :) I am excited to be an aunt... but I want one of my own too...
<br />
<br />Thanks for sharing your story.
<br />
<br />Jenn
<br />30 year old cf, cfrd


New member
im actually glad i came across this. im sorry for how your feeling im not glad about that! i just feel the same way! me and my boyfriend have pretty much been tryin (well not preventing) for 11 mths, so far nuthing. Two of my cousins, had her baby about 3 weeks before she turned 19 on the 7th. My other cousin is 19 due in December. and my Stepsister, 16 years old and due november 2nd. All were accidents! im like what the crap? im actually been trying and they were just stupid about it and got knocked up.
plus not to mention Eeverybody i know it seems like is pregnant or just had a baby. everywhere you look you see a pregnant girl. idk if its because i want one so bad that i notice this or what it is. But i feel the same way you do.
its hard. i havnt talked to my doctors about it much, b/c i wasnt sure if i was really ready to go to the next step. me and Chris have talked and we do want a baby, so next time i go to the doc, im talkin to him and seeing what i need to do next since its not happend naturally yet. until then i've started the robitussin, we'll see if it works! i hope you feel better, it helps just alittle bit to know your not the only one goin through this! i vent on here all the time, it makes me feel better, so feel free to let it out anytime you need. lol.


New member
im actually glad i came across this. im sorry for how your feeling im not glad about that! i just feel the same way! me and my boyfriend have pretty much been tryin (well not preventing) for 11 mths, so far nuthing. Two of my cousins, had her baby about 3 weeks before she turned 19 on the 7th. My other cousin is 19 due in December. and my Stepsister, 16 years old and due november 2nd. All were accidents! im like what the crap? im actually been trying and they were just stupid about it and got knocked up.
plus not to mention Eeverybody i know it seems like is pregnant or just had a baby. everywhere you look you see a pregnant girl. idk if its because i want one so bad that i notice this or what it is. But i feel the same way you do.
its hard. i havnt talked to my doctors about it much, b/c i wasnt sure if i was really ready to go to the next step. me and Chris have talked and we do want a baby, so next time i go to the doc, im talkin to him and seeing what i need to do next since its not happend naturally yet. until then i've started the robitussin, we'll see if it works! i hope you feel better, it helps just alittle bit to know your not the only one goin through this! i vent on here all the time, it makes me feel better, so feel free to let it out anytime you need. lol.


New member
im actually glad i came across this. im sorry for how your feeling im not glad about that! i just feel the same way! me and my boyfriend have pretty much been tryin (well not preventing) for 11 mths, so far nuthing. Two of my cousins, had her baby about 3 weeks before she turned 19 on the 7th. My other cousin is 19 due in December. and my Stepsister, 16 years old and due november 2nd. All were accidents! im like what the crap? im actually been trying and they were just stupid about it and got knocked up.
plus not to mention Eeverybody i know it seems like is pregnant or just had a baby. everywhere you look you see a pregnant girl. idk if its because i want one so bad that i notice this or what it is. But i feel the same way you do.
its hard. i havnt talked to my doctors about it much, b/c i wasnt sure if i was really ready to go to the next step. me and Chris have talked and we do want a baby, so next time i go to the doc, im talkin to him and seeing what i need to do next since its not happend naturally yet. until then i've started the robitussin, we'll see if it works! i hope you feel better, it helps just alittle bit to know your not the only one goin through this! i vent on here all the time, it makes me feel better, so feel free to let it out anytime you need. lol.


New member
im actually glad i came across this. im sorry for how your feeling im not glad about that! i just feel the same way! me and my boyfriend have pretty much been tryin (well not preventing) for 11 mths, so far nuthing. Two of my cousins, had her baby about 3 weeks before she turned 19 on the 7th. My other cousin is 19 due in December. and my Stepsister, 16 years old and due november 2nd. All were accidents! im like what the crap? im actually been trying and they were just stupid about it and got knocked up.
plus not to mention Eeverybody i know it seems like is pregnant or just had a baby. everywhere you look you see a pregnant girl. idk if its because i want one so bad that i notice this or what it is. But i feel the same way you do.
its hard. i havnt talked to my doctors about it much, b/c i wasnt sure if i was really ready to go to the next step. me and Chris have talked and we do want a baby, so next time i go to the doc, im talkin to him and seeing what i need to do next since its not happend naturally yet. until then i've started the robitussin, we'll see if it works! i hope you feel better, it helps just alittle bit to know your not the only one goin through this! i vent on here all the time, it makes me feel better, so feel free to let it out anytime you need. lol.


New member
im actually glad i came across this. im sorry for how your feeling im not glad about that! i just feel the same way! me and my boyfriend have pretty much been tryin (well not preventing) for 11 mths, so far nuthing. Two of my cousins, had her baby about 3 weeks before she turned 19 on the 7th. My other cousin is 19 due in December. and my Stepsister, 16 years old and due november 2nd. All were accidents! im like what the crap? im actually been trying and they were just stupid about it and got knocked up.
<br />plus not to mention Eeverybody i know it seems like is pregnant or just had a baby. everywhere you look you see a pregnant girl. idk if its because i want one so bad that i notice this or what it is. But i feel the same way you do.
<br />its hard. i havnt talked to my doctors about it much, b/c i wasnt sure if i was really ready to go to the next step. me and Chris have talked and we do want a baby, so next time i go to the doc, im talkin to him and seeing what i need to do next since its not happend naturally yet. until then i've started the robitussin, we'll see if it works! i hope you feel better, it helps just alittle bit to know your not the only one goin through this! i vent on here all the time, it makes me feel better, so feel free to let it out anytime you need. lol.