Background checking someone.


New member
Thanks for the advice ladies.

Melissa, I'll look into that company and see what all they are offering these days.

Jennifer, Great to know how to do PA. I'd like a national check though. Call me paranoid but I don't just want to check the states she's lived in with how easy it is to travel about the US and all.

Emily, Good question. For me germ avoidance is key to staying well with cf. I by no means live in a bubble don't get me wrong. Aside from me staying home with my little guy, which would be the best thing germ wise, the next best thing I believe is a nanny at my home. If I didn't have cf I would likely have considered daycare more of an option, although in my city the daycares that accept infants aren't any good.

I would stay at home now but my husband is finishing up his post doctoral work and we are dependant on my income. Not to mention I feel great and love to work and earn a living. The plan is for me to keep working until he has a job (1 more year) at which point I can keep working or stay at home. A lot of it depends on my health and how much I enjoy working and how I feel about my child's development / how much I desire to be around him all the time. I'm guessing I'll probably want to stay home with him since that's how I was brought up.

I will likely not go part time after learning from this site more about SSDI and the 40 credit look back. Going part time can really screw you from getting the amount you may once have been elgible for at a higher income.

Now that I've gone totally off topic.


New member

No problem. See I wanted to do a national check too, but they made it sound like you had to go state-to-state which can't be right. He only lived in PA (other than Uruguay) so for me it wasn't a big deal.

Since you are checking for your son, I completely agree and see where you are coming from b/c you don't know. They may have lived in Florida but left that out so you wouldn't be able to find anything. I see your point for a national check.

Check with your local police and see what they say. Good luck!!!


New member

No problem. See I wanted to do a national check too, but they made it sound like you had to go state-to-state which can't be right. He only lived in PA (other than Uruguay) so for me it wasn't a big deal.

Since you are checking for your son, I completely agree and see where you are coming from b/c you don't know. They may have lived in Florida but left that out so you wouldn't be able to find anything. I see your point for a national check.

Check with your local police and see what they say. Good luck!!!


New member

No problem. See I wanted to do a national check too, but they made it sound like you had to go state-to-state which can't be right. He only lived in PA (other than Uruguay) so for me it wasn't a big deal.

Since you are checking for your son, I completely agree and see where you are coming from b/c you don't know. They may have lived in Florida but left that out so you wouldn't be able to find anything. I see your point for a national check.

Check with your local police and see what they say. Good luck!!!