Bacterial intestinal overgrowth


New member
Does anyone have any experience with bacterial intestinal overgrowth? My just turned 9 year old son has had this issue for a while. It was first diagnosed last spring (probably had a lot longer) and he is on his third round of Flagyl. He may be on constant cycles. He gets severe nausea and bloating. Has anyone else had this problem (we were told it is related to CF) and if so how did you deal with it and did it finally go away?


Justin's Mama


Active member
When we swallow mucus, even in our sleep, it eventually mixes with the stool and becomes a glue like substance. The stool then adheres to the walls of the colon and continues to build up upon itself. Therefore causing blockages, nausea, bloating and bacterial overgrowth. This is a product of CF and it is a lifetime issue.

I, along with many other CF Patients, correct this condition with daily doses of Miralax, which corrects the blockage. My CF Doctor has Rx Doxycycline to correct the bacterial overgrowth but that may be too strong for a 9 year old.

I hope that this helps you.



interesting - I did not have it in my colon but my reproductive/vaginal area.
Was also on Flagyl for 1 week. I got it the first time after starting Kalydeco ...
wonder if there is any connection ...


On the off chance that this is not CF-related, my issue is that if I eat sugars that I can't digest in the small intestine, they go to the large intestine and feed the bacteria. End result gas and bloating for days after major diarrhea. The sugar I have an issue with is sorbitol.

Does he eat pitted or dried fruits, packaged baked goods like breads and muffins, some cold cuts, sugar-free gum or candy, mouthwash. All these things give me gas and digestive problems--cramping and sweating and emptying of stomach.

Potassium Sorbate--even though that doesn't seem to be the same thing--causes the same problems as sorbitol for me. It's used to keep food moist and extend shelf life. Oh, and I once bought a box of Churros cereal (everyone in my family loved, of course), but one bowl of this stuff was a nightmare "High Oleic Canola Oil" -- supposedly fine and not olestra-ish.


New member

Thank you for the reply. He has been on a daily double dose of (was Miralax but now changed to latulose) since he has 6. We struggle with terrible constipation, nausea, bloating, the whole deal. He has since he was 6. His GI uses Flagyl for kids. Seems to think he will be on 10 days off 20. Doxi really made his tummy a mess when he was on it last year for 30 days for Lymes. I hate this disease!!! Thank you again for sharing. He just asked me to ask my "older friend with CF" if he has it. It helps him to know that others deal with the same things as him.


Thank you for your response too. He has a severe fructose intolerance. When he was tested a year and a half ago he was off the chart. They had to stop the test part way through. He is much better now, but we watch all of these things. He has a lot of allergies (eosinophilic esophagitis) and it limits his diet (actually in a good way). Hard sometimes to get the dense foods in but eliminates a lot of the junk. Prepackaged cereal makes his sick. He loves chex but gets sick almost every time. We do just a little with lots of greek yogurt.


Active member
The Doxycyclin that I take is 50 mg tab - 2 on day 1 and 1 per day for 7 additional days, so only 8 days total. I only take it when my stool "really stinks". About once every three months seems to work. This has been very effective, for me, for several years. You might run that by his GI Doctor.

Your older friend,


New member
I will do that. Thanks again. You are always a reminded to him that "37" is just a number and that many people live long lives. You are in our prayers to continue a long life!


Hello, I have the exact same problems like Melissa75. No diet Coke or chewing gum (except Wrigleys) for me... Good luck


Oh man, you have a lot to manage foodwise. National Jewish hospital is in the vanguard of food allergies, but do they research the stuff Justin has? (Maybe you've already been there.)

Interesting what you mention about the yogurt and chex. I've made similar observation about dried fruit. I can eat small amounts if it's in whole milk plain yogurt.

I wish there were a manual to figure out this stuff. I ate a lot of pineapple two days ago and am still a mess. But i also ate some Indian pickled mango on a dish I never have problems with. So which was the issue? The critical mass of pineapple or an ingredient in the jarred sauce?
And why can I digest a McDonalds extra value meal better than I can a $25-entree restaurant meal. Talk about date killer.
I digress. I hope you can find some answers and improvement in the cycle.

Hellokitty, please feel free to pm me every time you find a problem food. Knowledge is power. Saves money too on wasted calories. I spent many a week on the toilet before realizing something I'd bought was a problem e.g. Woodchuck apple cider, dunkin donuts.


Super Moderator
so do you think you get bacterial overgrowth as a matter of course every few months, even with miralax maintenance, etc? Do I understand correct that the bacterial overgrowth is a "normal" CF thing EVEN without antibiotics, and with miralax maintenance?


Active member
It is my understanding, with some CF patients (not all have GI issues) it is a normal CF thing, especially without miralax maintenance. The Doxy, in my case is to kill the overgrowth not maintenance. I determine need by smell and not the calendar. My guess is, the longer that the stool (or remnants) remains in the colon, the greater opportunity for bacterial overgrowth.

Much like old bread getting moldy. It just happens.


Super Moderator
Thanks. I figured it wasn't by the calandar but was just curious to how oftern it might occur. Hard to tell with DS exactly what is the culprit given the variety of issues that seem to arise. He has only been on one antibiotic 4 years ago, but is back at a bad stage after having seemed to stabilize and I'm wondering if it is just bacterial overgrowth like before. GI next week so will be discussing more! Thanks,


New member

Would you associate this with frequent belly aches? Also, would say that CF stool shouldn't ALWAYS smell? Reading through this I'm noticing a few similarities with my own CFer, and thinking that maybe this is something to look at to help with his belly. We have just recently increased his omeprazole regimen to help with gas and bloating, but still we encounter several bouts of tummy aches, and smelliness.


Thanks for your complete description Printer. Something similar is happening to me. I'll tell my doctor about this.


Active member

It sounds like you are keeping his colon clean. Is it possible that he is lactose intolerant? It has the same symptoms. That is common in CFers. I buy only Lactose Free milk and take Lactade with things like Ice Cream.



New member
We have had 3 rounds of Flagyl since September. Now he is having terrible gas problems. His teacher spoke with us about it. Not sure what could be causing it. Waiting to hear from GI. He got out of bed and came to me last night to say the kitty should not have to sleep with him because he smells so hideous. He then told me he is afraid to go to school because the other kids smell it and are complaining and he is afraid they will figure out it is him. I hate this. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Justin's Mama