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i've never had pinkeye, so i don't know if this is what i have. but anyways, when i woke up this morning i couldn't open my right eye because it was matted shut with what appeared to be pus. all day long, my eye has been draining yellowish, greenish pus and it's extremely red. it doesn't itch, it's just really annoying and my vision is blurry. i was on a study drug (or possibly the placebo) but anyways, i've been off of it a week tomorrow and i'm already getting sick. i ran a fever a couple days last week and i've been coughing non-stop. i feel extremely sluggish, which is how i usually feel when my MRSA is acting up. the study drug was for PA. does anyone know if this could be pinkeye, and if so, what do i need to do about it?