bad breath:(


New member
When I was around the age of 23 I started noticing a strong odor coming from my breath whenever I coughed. I first noticed it when my mom said something. It is tearing me apart! I am a very outgoing person but ever since this has been happening to me I am changing for the worst. I am very cautious when I cough. Whenever I do around my friends they think that someone farted and it pisses me off so bad I don't know what to do anymore. My doctor put me on colindamycin IV's when I was in the hospital and it cleared up. It was the best feeling, I was back to my normal self again. Then about 6 months later a few days before I was going to Florida, it came back. I was so angry. I have been taking colindamycin orally but it is not working. I honestly don't know how much more I can take of this! I guess I just need to talk to someone who can relate to me and who understands what I am going through. Sorry for wining but this is really eating me up inside and I am lost. Anyway best wishes to everyone, Nate


New member
Nate,I can relate, but don't have any advice for you. I keep Altoids at my desk at work & of course, constantly chew gum, but sometimes I don't think that helps.I, too have had people think someone "tooted" and that was an eye opener to just how bad it must be. I guess just brush often (including your tongue) and keep gum/breath mints handy.I also like the candy that they give out at Sonic, I think it's peppermint. I think they're pretty powerful.I'm curious to see if others have ideas about how to help this situation<img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0">


New member
YOu might just have some bacteria that produces it. I have the stank, too. Take tums to keep stomach acid low (it helps enzymes work better, too). I carry a little tooth brush around. I don't chew gum, but I do use those Listeriene strips. They are STRONG! so I only use half at a time. Debbie23 w/ CF


New member
O boy that does after reading this, i am going to ask all my friends if it smells like someone let one go when i . They are all in big trouble if they havent mentioned it to me and it does . I have a lousy sense of smell and can barely smell when my cat litter has "flames" coming out of Whats odd is, every now and then i can smell when i have a sinus infection worse than normal. But noone has mentioned bad breath, but after reading this post, it has got me wondering.


New member
from my experience the smell is worse when infection is spreading or your sick, and yeah the best thing to do is just keep mints onhand and take them regularly, i use the strips as well as they are very powerful, if im in public i might take 1 every hour or so, reall depends on how much im coughing and or am i eating etc etc etc...but yeah bad breath from coughing comes with cf...kinda sux, but imho its better then smokers breath or coffee


New member
HiIt seems to me that a 650nm >4mw Red Laser applied to a suitable blood vein extenally for 60 seconds (ie) LLLT low level light therapy. say once a month would/may help cure/alleviate most cystic fibrosis symtoms. Why not try it! N.B.


New member
Laser lightYou need to GET OFF our board!! No you cannot cure CF with a stupid laser and you should not be advertising on a board that is dedicted to helping people with life threatening illness!! Have you no heart!? Go advertise your usless product somewhere else!


New member
Who the heck is Laserlight and where did he come from? If CF was as easily cured with a laser light, don't you think we all would have done that already you DOOFUS? Take your product and go away.