bally total fitness


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hey all

I have been trying to keep up with working out on my own over and over again. I get so bored doing videos/DVDs on my own at home...after a while, they get boring...I have no one to do them with me, and once I learn them, they don't really help me anymore. I was wondering if anyone here has joined a fitness club or anything to solve this problem. I'm considering joining Bally Total Fitness (I don't know if those are nationwide or not) but wondering if it would be worth it. I've thought that, if I do it, then maybe I'd try for a personal trainer so I can go at my own pace. Although, I fear that if I share that I have bad lungs b/c of CF, they won't have a clue as to what I'm talking about. Any input would great <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

AIM: plainjane192


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I have a membership at 24 hour fitness and I really enjoy going up there. I really enjoy the class they have. I also have done personal training, I enjoy that as well. They know about my CF and the CFRD. My trainer has diabetes as well so we exchange Since I have joined my PFTs have been a bit more stable. Where as before my PFTs were slowly decreasing each visit. Its been almost a year since I have started my membership.


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Bally's is a huge national gym. I also belong to a gym that has 24 hour access besides weekends, which is a huge bonus.

Be a tad warey of huge national gyms, they tend to get huge population wise, and many of them do retarded things like have a sign in sheet per machine, like signing in at a restaurant waiting for a table. And when you do get on the machine, you usually have a fairly small amount of time to use it limit wise. Screw that. Depending on what exactly you are looking for (like say a normal gyn with normal machines, or really freaky things or say an olympic size swimming pool for laps, etc), i'd say look for more of a mom and pop gym, that has all the normal stuff, without having 100,000,000 members that will always be in there at 5pm+ on monday, tuesday, and wednesday (the three basic days to work out weekly).

Ask how many members they have, if they have free weights to compliment the more pulley/cross trainer weight machines. What type of cardio do they have (if all they have is treadmills, you will come to hate cardio). Also ask if they offer any side classes for either free or for small charges to join them (karate, yoga, spinning, etc). To me the ability to go down and work out whenever I want is a huge thing for me. If i don't have the ability or the desire to go down at 6pm and work out, I can go down at 3am if I want to. A 24 hour gym is great at avoiding the crowds you will get at the non 24 hour clubs, most CF's keep odd night hours anyways.


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i dont know what to tell you because im not allowed to go to the gym im to young im 15 and you have to be 16 to join. but i do think bally total fitness will help you cause my mom order this 3 bouncey balls thing where you sit on it and jump up and down to help clear your lungs (which i thought was good and it was fun) but now i dont have it cause it popped <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">. but i hope you find something you'll like to do. im thinking about getting the exercise Ab lounger to see if that can help my stomach.

tiffany 15 w/cf


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I am in the gym about 4 days out of the week and totally love it there, its like a second home to me. The personal trainers will most likely not know what CF is and I would actually just go in the gym by your self for a while just to get used to the atmosphere and then if you decide that you need a personal trainer then get one. Also, if you just walk in and say you are checking out gyms in the area they will usually give you a free pass for a few days so you can experience the place. The busy times for a gym are usually around 5-7am and around 4-6pm during the week days.

25 cf married to the notorious Julie (hehe)


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I just wanted to say YIPPPPIE.. I am so happy to see you post Mark.. Yes your wife is notorious for sure...... I love her posts and all that she does for ppl...



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I also go to the gym. It's the only thing that I can say has helped me to stay motivated. It's more stimulating. Your around other people there for the same purpose. You don't have to stress about if your doing this or that right because there's always someone to ask. Alot of times a gym will give you a week or so to try it. Just don't get sucked in if you don't like that one. I agree with the other poster about national chains, sometimes it's really hard to get a machine if your going to one that EVERYONE goes to. Espeically the beginning of the year when everyone wants to get on the health kick scene for a couply months. HeeHee. I went to a trial membership for two weeks at a very popular one in my town and it sucked. So I didn't join there. Take care and shop around.