Barbara Bush...


New member
Hey guys!
Erin got an exciting treat today. As some of you know, she's in the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital in Portland, ME. Well... Barbara Bush actually came and read to the children today and they let me take Erin off the moniters and bring her down. She slept right through it, But I thought it would be a nice story to tell her when she's older!! She's a very nice lady. When she saw the kids she said... " I think you all look GREAT!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I just can't wait till Erin is older and I can tell her she slept through Barbara Bush! lol


New member
That is neat that she is not only the namesake of the hospital, but that she really is involved.
Did you by chance get any pictures--that would be neat to show your daughter.
My thing is that I normally wouldn't take a camera to the hospital <img src="i/expressions/camera.gif" border="0">


New member
Well yeah, I know what you mean.
I didn't take pictures but there were TONS of media and hospital staff there that <i>did</i> take pictures so I'm hoping we can get some of those when they get developed.


New member
Hey Lindsay, just in case you don't already know it, if you send Erin's birth info to the right place, GWB will send you a congrats in the mail (granted it is just a basic printed card with his stamped sig). Not sure if you are a GWB fan, but it might be a nice addition to Barbara if you get stuff to put in a scrapbook/babybook for Erin. You can google it but I think it is something like "white house greetings" where you can get the info!



New member
hey erin i have a question... where in maine do you live and what clinic are you going to.. I LIVE IN MAINE TOO,,, when caleb was hospitalized he was at barbara bush and he sees dr mellow and anne marie cairns.... email me if youd like

Melissa mom to caleb 4 in 2 days wcf
that is an awesome experience. One thing I did when my daughter was born was I started to keep a journal of just little things that she did and the feelings that I was having. I thought it would be really special for her to have when she was older. Just an idea. Has Erin had her surgery yet? My prayers are with you.

Emilee with 2 E's


New member
Yeah, I have started a journal for Erin too. I'm going to give it to her when she's a teenager because I dont' write anything sad in it. I just write about exciting things that she does (like holding herhead up) and exciting things that happened to her. Like today at the hospital they are having Christmas in July and she got to meet Santa Claus for the first time and she LOVED him!! She couldn't take her eyes off of him lol. But santa had lots of kids to visit so he couldn't erally sit with Erin for as long as I'm sure she would have liked. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Yes, I'm also scrapbooking for Erin <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
She is going in for her surgery on Monday. She's already had 2 surgery's. She had one the day after she was born for her blocked bowels and she has the ileostomy. Then she had another for her central line (the IV for TPN) and she is scheduled for her reverse ileostomy on Monday morning. If all goes well, there is talk I will take her home the following Monday.
Lets keep our fingers crossed shall we? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Good luck with that and I really hope that you will be able to take her home soon. Then you can get into a routine and get some normalacy in your lives. I was wondering do you have a lot of family support to help you emotionally and stuff? Really if you ever just need to chat with someone feel free to e-mail me. As for the journaling I don't put sad things in my daughters either. I think it is better that way. I wish I were better at scrapbooking but for the first 14 months I have accomplished 3 pages. I am really cooking aren't I. Again I pray that you will take that beautiful baby home soon.

Emilee with 2 E's


New member
Yeah... I have family support... not a lot... but enough I guess.
I would really love to take you up on your chat offer, it makes me feel a lot better to email back and fourth with people.
I am talking to some WONDERFUL people at the moment, on here AND through e-mail that have just made me feel soooo much better about everything that is going on, but first, what is your email address? Mine is
I love talking to people.
I'm terrified for her surgery on Monday but that has to be completely normal. i would think if I wasn't scared... something would be wrong with me! lol


New member
Very cool. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Tell her to hint to her "W" that stem cell research aint so bad!
Hi Lindsay,
I think that your last message was for me so her is my e-mail, I definitely would love to hear from you.

Emilee with 2 E's