Barrel Chest??


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Hi Everyone.
I'm 23 yrs old w/CF. I always struggled with my weight up until 2 yrs ago when I found a new job - it was a sit down job. In the 2 yrs I have been there I managed to reach 130 lbs!! At one point I felt great with the weight on, my clothes fit better and I no longer looked skinny & bony - And I actually had a butt in my jeans <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> My friends were calling me J-Lo.
However, now it is causing a problem with my self-esteem. The weight I had gained in the past 9 months or so has been on my belly only. It is extreamly uncomfortable. I can't fit into my clothes (and I can't really afford to buy new ones). Watching my belly grow I started to realize that the size of my chest has started to change. My bra size is a 36 and it's really tight, I need a 38...But I'm only a A cup!!! I'v looked at pictures of myself thoughout the last year and I look really "wide". I also noticed that when I am sick, my chest expands so much that it is tender and I cannot even wear a bra at all. I've been really upset over this and for the first time in life I feel ugly. I always had good self-esteem - I never hated looking in the mirror...I was satisfied with what I saw.
My sister said that with CF there comes "barrel chest"...anyone know what this is? What is the cause?
Thank you for taking your time to read my post.
~ Lynn
23yr old female w/CF


New member
hi im 14 and nothing is going wrong its just the way cf is, when i gain weight it goes to my belly and it sticks out i only weigh about 86 pounds but still goes to my belly the way i think is that you have to work out everyday to make your belly flat but not flat to skin and bones.i hope this helps.


New member
Unfortunately, the barrel chest does come w/ cf. I don't know if it expands to that size as time goes on or we are born w/ a big rib cage. I've had one forever it seems. I hear that our lungs get enlarged as time goes on & maybe this pushes our ribs out? This is totally speculation.
I, too am about a 38 chest, w/ a small cup size & good luck finding a 38A bra! One thing I do is buy those extenders. I guess they still have them. I bought mine at Sears a couple of years ago. You just hook them into the bra hooks & you have a little larger bra that isn't so tight around the ribs. I've never had anyone comment on my barrel chest. I think we immediately look at ourselves in the areas we're uncomfortable about, but when you glance at other girls, are you measuring their rib size? Chances are that they aren't either.
I know exactly what you mean about gaining weight in our tummy only. I get so tired of the "when are you expecting" comments. They don't even effect me anymore, I get that so much. And like the other poster said, I should do sit ups to try to minimize my belly, but I don't. I look at it this way, at least I have a belly and am not skin & bones, so in this way I feel blessed.
Don't be too hard on yourself, I'm sure you look great
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, It's Lynn here. Thanks so much for your reply. It's strange knowing that there are others out there that struggle with the same things as I do. I'v tried pilates, I keep saying to myself "ok, I'll start pilates again tomorrow and I'll do it 5 times a week" But it never happens, I find it very difficult to keep a routine. Other exercises are hard on the lungs/breathing. I work from 10am-6:30pm, then I spend time every morning and every night doing my meds. I'm also one who needs PLENTY of rest so I try to get 9 hours of sleep a night. Everyday is a tight schedule. But I realize these are just excuses. Again, thank you SO much. I'll give Sears a try <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
~ Lynn


New member
Hi, Lynn.
I know exactly what you're talking about. As I've gotten older and gained weight (finally!), I too have struggled with the "barrel chest". One thing that I've realized is that its not necessarily as bad as you think it is.... I tell my husband that is the only part of me that I don't like at all..... I feel so self concious to wear a bikini, and often buy padded bras so my chest can stick out farther than my ribs/belly! He says he doesn't know what I'm talking about. Granted, he's my husband, and has to say nice things, but I've also mentioned to my parents and friends and they say its not even noticable until I bring it up (and really not all that noticable then either).

I once looked through a magazine (I think it was Shape or a fitness-type magazine) to see if any other women looked the way I do in my sports bra, and amazingly, there were a couple that also had wide rib cages and smaller breasts. I felt a bit better after that. Though its something we all will struggle with, like the other poster said, I try to be happy that I am one that is able to gain weight and thereby make myself healthier and stronger and live longer. I guess I'll take a barrel chest for a healthier, longer life anyday!

<img src="i/expressions/moon.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Lynn,

I am 29 w/cfrd and i also have the same concern. When i put on anything to wear i always have to ask my sisters do i look too big on top to be wearing this??? they think i am nuts. But i do see that i have a barrel chest and have had one for years. I am a 34 bra size sometimes 36 butfeel that i too only put the weight on in my belly and then my legs look so small in comparison. I am 5'4 and weight 123-124lbs. I also work full time and have a sit down job. How did you manage to put on the weight?? I eat alot and drink Ensure 2-3 cans a day. Any help would be appreciated! Best wishes-Denise


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Hi Denise, I used to work in retail so I was on my feet all day for 8 hours a day, I did this for 3 yrs.
When I got my sit down job I did'nt do anything different....Actually I ate better and heathier because I do not have fast food available to me. I have no idea how it happened! I guess my metabolism changed. I have dereal for breakfast, then a banana and chicken wrap for my first break. Then for luch I usually have pasta. I'll go home eat a small supper. And that's it. I wish I had a secret recipe to give you but they just don't exist.


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Hi, the "barrell chest" look comes from your lungs expanding to try and get more O2, and it does happen to most CFers. I noticed my back starting to get more rounded and wider this past summer when I wore my bikini..but my family and bf say that they didnt notice a difference. I have a real hard time gaining weight as well!! but when I do gain it seems to all go to my butt! which I'm not complaining about because at least for a little while I will fill out my jeans!