Becoming pregnant w medical help :)


New member
I already have one son that i had no problem getting pregnant for. And hes about five now, hes been on this kick that he wants a sister and i do want another child. So Me and My boyfriend, Vaul, decided that we are set in life with money, a home big enough, to have another baby. So after talking with my cf dr and clarifying that it would be ok to try for another, and that he would be happy to help us in achieving this goal, i would like to know from a patients perspective any advice, tips and ideas that might help.
:) Please comment and give us some advice and tips.


New member
If you are healthy enough and your doctors giving you the okay I say go for it. The window for CF women to have children into and beyond their 30's isnt so open. I too am considering the same thing. Im coming up to 30 this year and know the clock is ticking. My health has been declining this past year but after stopping work Ive made some improvements health wise. Go for it girl. There is no job greater than motherhood. CF shouldnt stop you from being a mom. As long as Doc's on board your good to go. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Thank you for replying Semnle34. I have one child hes my miracle child, and i have always wanted a large family, i know that is somewhat restricted but i would give anything just to have one more baby. I have no idea what things you have to go through but i'm willing to do it


New member
Vampy, if you have one kiddo, you certainly know what you're getting yourself in to! My only concern is with your CF, your sons symptoms, you could be adding another CF germ carrier to your immediate pool. Are you thinking about screening embryos for CF?


New member
We thought about and i told vaul before we actually conceived that he would be tested for the gene. If he happens to have the gene then we would adopt a child, i dont want to have a child with cf, i dont want to have a child to suffer like that. Gene carriers, i think if i teach my children the dangers of being a gene carrier, to always let them know that before you ever have kids to have your partner be tested for cf. I think plenty of knowledge would help