behavior problems with cf kids


New member
Hi I was wondering if any of you have found that your cf'ers seem to have more attitude than your kids without cf. My 14 cf girl is about to cause me to go off the deep end. She is the middle child and the only one of 3 with cf. She never wants to study, although she still seems to make a's and b's. She CONSTANTLY talks back to everyone one especially me and her father. She buts into everyone's business and thinks everyone is against her. Like I said I'm about to go crazy myself over the situation. Anyone have any suggestions. I am seriously thinking about looking into a couselor tomorrow.
Thanks so very very much<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi I was wondering if any of you have found that your cf'ers seem to have more attitude than your kids without cf. My 14 cf girl is about to cause me to go off the deep end. She is the middle child and the only one of 3 with cf. She never wants to study, although she still seems to make a's and b's. She CONSTANTLY talks back to everyone one especially me and her father. She buts into everyone's business and thinks everyone is against her. Like I said I'm about to go crazy myself over the situation. Anyone have any suggestions. I am seriously thinking about looking into a couselor tomorrow.
Thanks so very very much<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi I was wondering if any of you have found that your cf'ers seem to have more attitude than your kids without cf. My 14 cf girl is about to cause me to go off the deep end. She is the middle child and the only one of 3 with cf. She never wants to study, although she still seems to make a's and b's. She CONSTANTLY talks back to everyone one especially me and her father. She buts into everyone's business and thinks everyone is against her. Like I said I'm about to go crazy myself over the situation. Anyone have any suggestions. I am seriously thinking about looking into a couselor tomorrow.
Thanks so very very much<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
It's probably partially the CF, but it's also partially that she's 14. I was horrendous for a while (roughly 15-17), but I grew out of it. She'll test your patience until you're ready to throw her out the window, but she'll probably get past it. The CF just kind of makes it worse. "What's the point of doing my work if I'm just going to *die* anyway?" --- that type of attitude. Almost all of us go through it. A counselor is not a bad idea.


New member
It's probably partially the CF, but it's also partially that she's 14. I was horrendous for a while (roughly 15-17), but I grew out of it. She'll test your patience until you're ready to throw her out the window, but she'll probably get past it. The CF just kind of makes it worse. "What's the point of doing my work if I'm just going to *die* anyway?" --- that type of attitude. Almost all of us go through it. A counselor is not a bad idea.


New member
It's probably partially the CF, but it's also partially that she's 14. I was horrendous for a while (roughly 15-17), but I grew out of it. She'll test your patience until you're ready to throw her out the window, but she'll probably get past it. The CF just kind of makes it worse. "What's the point of doing my work if I'm just going to *die* anyway?" --- that type of attitude. Almost all of us go through it. A counselor is not a bad idea.


New member
well that sounds a lot like I was at 14....dunno how much is Cf related and how much is just teen stuff. I know I did a lot of things that I shouldn't have to sort of "prove" to myself that Cf didn't make me any different than anyone else (like smoking - which, thank God, I never got addicted to!). I think I had a real attitude like everyone was aginst me because I never ever wanted to be treated as special or different because of CF...and if my parents tried to say anything about it...well, I was pretty horrible. For example, if I had a cold, my mom always immediately wanted me to go into the clinic and get an antibiotic (she still does this - sigh) and I would be horrid to her the whole time, because no one else I knew had to go to the doctor for a, good luck. All I can say is she will probably grow out of this at some point, but you may have to weather the storm first.

I suggest you go to the counselor to learn ways to deal with her. I would bet that making her go might work against you - at least at first (it would have with me, that's all I know).


New member
well that sounds a lot like I was at 14....dunno how much is Cf related and how much is just teen stuff. I know I did a lot of things that I shouldn't have to sort of "prove" to myself that Cf didn't make me any different than anyone else (like smoking - which, thank God, I never got addicted to!). I think I had a real attitude like everyone was aginst me because I never ever wanted to be treated as special or different because of CF...and if my parents tried to say anything about it...well, I was pretty horrible. For example, if I had a cold, my mom always immediately wanted me to go into the clinic and get an antibiotic (she still does this - sigh) and I would be horrid to her the whole time, because no one else I knew had to go to the doctor for a, good luck. All I can say is she will probably grow out of this at some point, but you may have to weather the storm first.

I suggest you go to the counselor to learn ways to deal with her. I would bet that making her go might work against you - at least at first (it would have with me, that's all I know).


New member
well that sounds a lot like I was at 14....dunno how much is Cf related and how much is just teen stuff. I know I did a lot of things that I shouldn't have to sort of "prove" to myself that Cf didn't make me any different than anyone else (like smoking - which, thank God, I never got addicted to!). I think I had a real attitude like everyone was aginst me because I never ever wanted to be treated as special or different because of CF...and if my parents tried to say anything about it...well, I was pretty horrible. For example, if I had a cold, my mom always immediately wanted me to go into the clinic and get an antibiotic (she still does this - sigh) and I would be horrid to her the whole time, because no one else I knew had to go to the doctor for a, good luck. All I can say is she will probably grow out of this at some point, but you may have to weather the storm first.

I suggest you go to the counselor to learn ways to deal with her. I would bet that making her go might work against you - at least at first (it would have with me, that's all I know).


New member
Ry was a little bit of a twit as a teenager. I'm not sure if that was his personality or CF, because Ry was always stubborn and headstrong. He rebelled a lot as a teen, so much so that he apologized to his folks when he was older.

I don't really have answers, jsut, you aren't alone, and if you can ride out the storm, she'll likely feel like an ass someday <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Ry was a little bit of a twit as a teenager. I'm not sure if that was his personality or CF, because Ry was always stubborn and headstrong. He rebelled a lot as a teen, so much so that he apologized to his folks when he was older.

I don't really have answers, jsut, you aren't alone, and if you can ride out the storm, she'll likely feel like an ass someday <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Ry was a little bit of a twit as a teenager. I'm not sure if that was his personality or CF, because Ry was always stubborn and headstrong. He rebelled a lot as a teen, so much so that he apologized to his folks when he was older.

I don't really have answers, jsut, you aren't alone, and if you can ride out the storm, she'll likely feel like an ass someday <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree with everyone so far. I was a terrible teen. As a matter of fact if my daughter even thinks about doing or saying half of what I did....she will be living in the trees of China. Looking back I feel like crap about it. I also know that I got away with a lot because of my CF. At the time I thought it was great, but as a Mom & an adult......I wish I wouldnt have gotten all that. It didnt help me in the long run. Good Luck!


New member
I agree with everyone so far. I was a terrible teen. As a matter of fact if my daughter even thinks about doing or saying half of what I did....she will be living in the trees of China. Looking back I feel like crap about it. I also know that I got away with a lot because of my CF. At the time I thought it was great, but as a Mom & an adult......I wish I wouldnt have gotten all that. It didnt help me in the long run. Good Luck!


New member
I agree with everyone so far. I was a terrible teen. As a matter of fact if my daughter even thinks about doing or saying half of what I did....she will be living in the trees of China. Looking back I feel like crap about it. I also know that I got away with a lot because of my CF. At the time I thought it was great, but as a Mom & an adult......I wish I wouldnt have gotten all that. It didnt help me in the long run. Good Luck!


I was told by two seperate instuctors in nursing school that they would never assign a student to a female CFer, because of major attitude problems and rudness, but she they did ocassionaly use male CF patients. I'm not sure if it's the CF or just being female. I am the only girl with two brothers, and my mom always said she would rather raise boys anyday. Guesss that doesn't speak well for me, or maybe just the we females r more complex which would have to make us better, rights? Just kidding, but as much as I wanted a little girl, I am happy to have my 2 boys


I was told by two seperate instuctors in nursing school that they would never assign a student to a female CFer, because of major attitude problems and rudness, but she they did ocassionaly use male CF patients. I'm not sure if it's the CF or just being female. I am the only girl with two brothers, and my mom always said she would rather raise boys anyday. Guesss that doesn't speak well for me, or maybe just the we females r more complex which would have to make us better, rights? Just kidding, but as much as I wanted a little girl, I am happy to have my 2 boys


I was told by two seperate instuctors in nursing school that they would never assign a student to a female CFer, because of major attitude problems and rudness, but she they did ocassionaly use male CF patients. I'm not sure if it's the CF or just being female. I am the only girl with two brothers, and my mom always said she would rather raise boys anyday. Guesss that doesn't speak well for me, or maybe just the we females r more complex which would have to make us better, rights? Just kidding, but as much as I wanted a little girl, I am happy to have my 2 boys