behavior problems with cf kids


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>charl72</b></i>

Definitely! Our youngest daughter has CF and she has ATTITUDE. She rules!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

hahaha Don't we all think that our kids ~~~RULE~~~ <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>charl72</b></i>

Definitely! Our youngest daughter has CF and she has ATTITUDE. She rules!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

hahaha Don't we all think that our kids ~~~RULE~~~ <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>

I suppose we can all hold out hope for heroes to let trains run over them... for the most part, though, it's about as useful as holding out hope that wings will sprout from my butt and I'll fly to the moon on fart power.

My farts <i>are</i> pretty powerful though... *ponders*</end quote></div>

ROFL I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this,

Thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I needed a laugh!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>

I suppose we can all hold out hope for heroes to let trains run over them... for the most part, though, it's about as useful as holding out hope that wings will sprout from my butt and I'll fly to the moon on fart power.

My farts <i>are</i> pretty powerful though... *ponders*</end quote></div>

ROFL I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this,

Thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I needed a laugh!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>

I suppose we can all hold out hope for heroes to let trains run over them... for the most part, though, it's about as useful as holding out hope that wings will sprout from my butt and I'll fly to the moon on fart power.

My farts <i>are</i> pretty powerful though... *ponders*</end quote></div>

ROFL I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this,

Thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I needed a laugh!!


New member
The counseling might help; my girls haven't hit their teen years yet thank heavens. They both how ever see counselors to help them deal (as the Doctor's say) with having cf. Sometimes they would rather talk to someone other then us. It's just finding the right person for them to talk too.


New member
The counseling might help; my girls haven't hit their teen years yet thank heavens. They both how ever see counselors to help them deal (as the Doctor's say) with having cf. Sometimes they would rather talk to someone other then us. It's just finding the right person for them to talk too.


New member
The counseling might help; my girls haven't hit their teen years yet thank heavens. They both how ever see counselors to help them deal (as the Doctor's say) with having cf. Sometimes they would rather talk to someone other then us. It's just finding the right person for them to talk too.


New member
Ok guys...first let me say that I so appreciate everyone's opinion and help. We are still struggling daily around here. We had a major blow up last night. I do believe some is CF, some hormones, some middle child, lots of attitude and lots of female. I remember when she was diagnosed I promised God that since I had prayed for another baby and she is the special one he sent to me then if he would just take care of her and let her live then I would do whatever I needed to keep her healthy. I also remember (she was 9months at diagnosis) telling her that night after her bronch, running a temp of 104.7, that if she would fight I would always be there to take care of her. I guess it is like that old saying goes "be careful what you say" because she FIGHTS so very very well. Everything with her is a fight, from doing treatments to cleaning her room to anything. SOOOOO that is where we stand. Thank you all for your advice and comments. Never offended by any.


New member
Ok guys...first let me say that I so appreciate everyone's opinion and help. We are still struggling daily around here. We had a major blow up last night. I do believe some is CF, some hormones, some middle child, lots of attitude and lots of female. I remember when she was diagnosed I promised God that since I had prayed for another baby and she is the special one he sent to me then if he would just take care of her and let her live then I would do whatever I needed to keep her healthy. I also remember (she was 9months at diagnosis) telling her that night after her bronch, running a temp of 104.7, that if she would fight I would always be there to take care of her. I guess it is like that old saying goes "be careful what you say" because she FIGHTS so very very well. Everything with her is a fight, from doing treatments to cleaning her room to anything. SOOOOO that is where we stand. Thank you all for your advice and comments. Never offended by any.


New member
Ok guys...first let me say that I so appreciate everyone's opinion and help. We are still struggling daily around here. We had a major blow up last night. I do believe some is CF, some hormones, some middle child, lots of attitude and lots of female. I remember when she was diagnosed I promised God that since I had prayed for another baby and she is the special one he sent to me then if he would just take care of her and let her live then I would do whatever I needed to keep her healthy. I also remember (she was 9months at diagnosis) telling her that night after her bronch, running a temp of 104.7, that if she would fight I would always be there to take care of her. I guess it is like that old saying goes "be careful what you say" because she FIGHTS so very very well. Everything with her is a fight, from doing treatments to cleaning her room to anything. SOOOOO that is where we stand. Thank you all for your advice and comments. Never offended by any.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>wormsmom</b></i>

Hi I was wondering if any of you have found that your cf'ers seem to have more attitude than your kids without cf. My 14 cf girl is about to cause me to go off the deep end. She is the middle child and the only one of 3 with cf. She never wants to study, although she still seems to make a's and b's. She CONSTANTLY talks back to everyone one especially me and her father. She buts into everyone's business and thinks everyone is against her. Like I said I'm about to go crazy myself over the situation. Anyone have any suggestions. I am seriously thinking about looking into a couselor tomorrow.
Thanks so very very much<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Yeah, like Emily65Roses said, it's prob both. I was HORRIBLE when i was that age. You just get attitude problems when you're that age regardless. Sometimes though i think my medical issues fed into it, esp. when it came to taking meds and stuff. I think it's something you'll have to wait out as horrible as it is! You can always come here for solace!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>wormsmom</b></i>

Hi I was wondering if any of you have found that your cf'ers seem to have more attitude than your kids without cf. My 14 cf girl is about to cause me to go off the deep end. She is the middle child and the only one of 3 with cf. She never wants to study, although she still seems to make a's and b's. She CONSTANTLY talks back to everyone one especially me and her father. She buts into everyone's business and thinks everyone is against her. Like I said I'm about to go crazy myself over the situation. Anyone have any suggestions. I am seriously thinking about looking into a couselor tomorrow.
Thanks so very very much<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Yeah, like Emily65Roses said, it's prob both. I was HORRIBLE when i was that age. You just get attitude problems when you're that age regardless. Sometimes though i think my medical issues fed into it, esp. when it came to taking meds and stuff. I think it's something you'll have to wait out as horrible as it is! You can always come here for solace!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>wormsmom</b></i>

Hi I was wondering if any of you have found that your cf'ers seem to have more attitude than your kids without cf. My 14 cf girl is about to cause me to go off the deep end. She is the middle child and the only one of 3 with cf. She never wants to study, although she still seems to make a's and b's. She CONSTANTLY talks back to everyone one especially me and her father. She buts into everyone's business and thinks everyone is against her. Like I said I'm about to go crazy myself over the situation. Anyone have any suggestions. I am seriously thinking about looking into a couselor tomorrow.
Thanks so very very much<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Yeah, like Emily65Roses said, it's prob both. I was HORRIBLE when i was that age. You just get attitude problems when you're that age regardless. Sometimes though i think my medical issues fed into it, esp. when it came to taking meds and stuff. I think it's something you'll have to wait out as horrible as it is! You can always come here for solace!


New member
hey I'm just sitting here reading all the many comments my question got. I enjoy them all and they are very helpful, but yours seemed to really hit the spot when you mentioned family thinking you can outgrow CF.. My husband's family is so like that..well his dad's side anyway that has absolutely no clue or care about CF or my daughter. They are so ignorant. Even though it is harsh your train analogy hits it right on the bullseye. Thank you so much for being an inspiration. God bless you and yours


New member
hey I'm just sitting here reading all the many comments my question got. I enjoy them all and they are very helpful, but yours seemed to really hit the spot when you mentioned family thinking you can outgrow CF.. My husband's family is so like that..well his dad's side anyway that has absolutely no clue or care about CF or my daughter. They are so ignorant. Even though it is harsh your train analogy hits it right on the bullseye. Thank you so much for being an inspiration. God bless you and yours


New member
hey I'm just sitting here reading all the many comments my question got. I enjoy them all and they are very helpful, but yours seemed to really hit the spot when you mentioned family thinking you can outgrow CF.. My husband's family is so like that..well his dad's side anyway that has absolutely no clue or care about CF or my daughter. They are so ignorant. Even though it is harsh your train analogy hits it right on the bullseye. Thank you so much for being an inspiration. God bless you and yours
Hi my name is Mary, I am a middle chiild and a CF mom, as a teen I was THE WORST, you know the whole middle child syndrome, I was plagued by it. I never appreciated all my mom put up with until I had my Allissa, she was born with CF and an attitude the size of Texas, in a way it has helped her deal with her CF, made her stronger, and makes her our baby, but I am scared for her teen years if she is like me it will be interesting, All I can say is I have already apologized to my parents..... Good luck and remember the attitude makes her strong, just love her thru it and she will come to her senses soon enough!
Hi my name is Mary, I am a middle chiild and a CF mom, as a teen I was THE WORST, you know the whole middle child syndrome, I was plagued by it. I never appreciated all my mom put up with until I had my Allissa, she was born with CF and an attitude the size of Texas, in a way it has helped her deal with her CF, made her stronger, and makes her our baby, but I am scared for her teen years if she is like me it will be interesting, All I can say is I have already apologized to my parents..... Good luck and remember the attitude makes her strong, just love her thru it and she will come to her senses soon enough!
Hi my name is Mary, I am a middle chiild and a CF mom, as a teen I was THE WORST, you know the whole middle child syndrome, I was plagued by it. I never appreciated all my mom put up with until I had my Allissa, she was born with CF and an attitude the size of Texas, in a way it has helped her deal with her CF, made her stronger, and makes her our baby, but I am scared for her teen years if she is like me it will be interesting, All I can say is I have already apologized to my parents..... Good luck and remember the attitude makes her strong, just love her thru it and she will come to her senses soon enough!